Bridge Constructor
Map pack with time restriction? Really?
Thats the dumbest idea ever. When u want to go to the toilet at 11am, but the lights are disabled till 10pm so u have to ♥♥♥♥ in a dark anyway...

Here is a glorious picture from the devs after figuring out this epic feature:

I hope the windows date change will work, because ♥♥♥♥ the broken system.
Dernière modification de Hookworm; 20 aout 2016 à 2h27
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Some advices for the devs:
1. if these maps are available near easter and christmas why are they visible in the menu?

2. If u really want time limited events and maps, DO NOT create achievements for it! Its so unfair, because after the event nobody has a chance to complete this. So bye bye 100%. I know a lot of player dont care with this, but majority of the players are interested in this feature.
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