Unholy Heights

Unholy Heights

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BBQchickie♥ 2014년 12월 20일 오전 1시 20분
[SOLVED] Can't get the elemental master achievement.
Hi! For the past few hours, I've been trying to get my last achievement (elemental master).

I have 9x watermin, 14x flowery, 12x flamen in my building, all with 'ecstatic' satisfaction & rarely die/kicked out. I have never invited any abyssal for this game play. The 'set the fire free' quest and all the other side quest available to me has already been completed. The only quest I have left is the repeatable quest and the quest that ends the game.

On the bestiary, the elements have a heart on top of it and it is stated that 'it might like the devil too much' but I can't seem to get it to be infatuated. Also, the abyssal have a frowning face on top of them (not hate).

Am I doing something wrong? or am I suppose to continue with the waiting game? Please advise. Thanks!

Got the achievement. Thanks!
BBQchickie♥ 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2015년 1월 1일 오후 9시 14분
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Nyc2x 2014년 12월 27일 오전 2시 57분 
If the repeateable quest and the unholy heights left, just start a new game..
Nyc2x 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 12월 27일 오전 2시 59분
BBQchickie♥ 2014년 12월 27일 오전 3시 13분 
Nyc2x님이 먼저 게시:
If the repeateable quest and the unholy heights left, just start a new game..
I've already tried a new game, thinking that it could be a bug from the previous game play. But on the new game, I've wasted another few more hours and still no result. ): It's kind of frustrating.

I see that you have the achievement, would you be nice enough to share what other species of monster you have during that gameplay when you get the achievement? I'm hoping that it's just something that I'm missing. l:
h4 2014년 12월 27일 오후 11시 31분 
You can keep grinding the last repeatable before game end quest. I know it is supposed to be a direct trigger, but grinding it out did unlock some of the tier 4 monsters for me. Beats waiting around anyway. I had to grind out repeatable while the monsters were already ecstatic to do demihuman and chimeras too.

A full house of ecstatic elementals is definitely not needed. I only had 2 rooms of flamen tucked in the back which i never used, when unlocking the achieve.
BBQchickie♥ 2014년 12월 27일 오후 11시 43분 
h4님이 먼저 게시:
You can keep grinding the last repeatable before game end quest. I know it is supposed to be a direct trigger, but grinding it out did unlock some of the tier 4 monsters for me. Beats waiting around anyway. I had to grind out repeatable while the monsters were already ecstatic to do demihuman and chimeras too.

A full house of ecstatic elementals is definitely not needed. I only had 2 rooms of flamen tucked in the back which i never used, when unlocking the achieve.
Thanks for the info !! I'll give it a shot. :3

I give up. -_- it's a total waste of time. Even the chimera I just recruited reached the tier 4 but my elemental still remained at the same fondness. Thanks for the help tho. Appreciated. (: Have a nice day!
BBQchickie♥ 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 12월 28일 오전 1시 08분
Kayato 2014년 12월 30일 오후 2시 55분 
I'm tryng to get top Abyssal and if I check achievement status on Steam it say "66/100" and I have only a "smile" on them.
BBQchickie♥ 2014년 12월 30일 오후 3시 22분 
Kayato님이 먼저 게시:
I'm tryng to get top Abyssal and if I check achievement status on Steam it say "66/100" and I have only a "smile" on them.
Have you tried recruting more of the fish abyssal? The fish is the one that prays to the altar to attract higher tier abyssal. I took around 5 rooms of the fish, all with blood altar to attract the 4th tier abyssal monster.
Kayato 2014년 12월 30일 오후 4시 25분 
Only tier 1 abysaal prey? I'll try, for now I got tier 3 abysaal. Did you check your achievement to see how much you need for elemental?
BBQchickie♥ 2014년 12월 30일 오후 8시 56분 
Kayato님이 먼저 게시:
Only tier 1 abysaal prey? I'll try, for now I got tier 3 abysaal. Did you check your achievement to see how much you need for elemental?
Yep. You can have tier 3 abyssal, but they're pretty much useless in helping you to get tier 4 monster, because they don't pray to the altar. Just the tier 1 monster will do. + blood altar.

My progress for element is stuck at 66. From what I observed (if I didn't remember wrongly) , the progress goes like 33 > 66> 100.
66 when the quest is completed, 100 when you get the tier 4 monster.
I tried a long time for elemental. Pretty much convinced that my game is bugged.
Kayato 2014년 12월 31일 오전 2시 56분 
Got it, thanks!

If you want to restart you can use the cheat engine to "speed up" the game.
BBQchickie♥ 2014년 12월 31일 오전 4시 06분 
Kayato님이 먼저 게시:
Got it, thanks!

If you want to restart you can use the cheat engine to "speed up" the game.
You're most welcome! (:

I'll think about it. Have a nice day!
Dragonrunner 2015년 1월 1일 오전 5시 42분 
To unlock top tier Elemental you need to get reputation to "Elemental's love the Devil!".
To increase Elemental reputation, put plants into your rooms (such as the Flower Garden) and wait.
Once your reputation reaches "Love" level tier 4 Elementals (Cragmax) will eventually show up.
toasty frosting 2015년 1월 1일 오후 6시 47분 
I've even managed it with an entire apartment complex full of Abyssals, though it took ages to get their affinity all the way up from 'ignoring the devil'. I suppose not even long-standing grudges are a match for a free and luxuriously-furnished roof over your head.
BBQchickie♥ 2015년 1월 1일 오후 9시 11분 
Dragonrunner님이 먼저 게시:
To unlock top tier Elemental you need to get reputation to "Elemental's love the Devil!".
To increase Elemental reputation, put plants into your rooms (such as the Flower Garden) and wait.
Once your reputation reaches "Love" level tier 4 Elementals (Cragmax) will eventually show up.

That worked! Spammed all my rooms with flower garden and they came within seconds. Thanks alot !!

toasty frosting님이 먼저 게시:
I've even managed it with an entire apartment complex full of Abyssals, though it took ages to get their affinity all the way up from 'ignoring the devil'. I suppose not even long-standing grudges are a match for a free and luxuriously-furnished roof over your head.
Right. Haha.
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페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2014년 12월 20일 오전 1시 20분
게시글: 13