Risen 3 - Titan Lords

Risen 3 - Titan Lords

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Minimal spoiler mini-guide for Ultra difficulty

— The start of the game better be on Antigua, the quest of pirate-Alvarez is a very easy and lot of reward. To defeat Hellhounds is not a problem, only need a good timing if your char is meele weapon, unfortunately nearly impossible to fight two hounds at once (maybe with slashing weapons, but still), so let one enemy to your companion, and you dueling another one.

— Nearly anything in the game cannot resp, so better to take skills: Skinning, Take Horns, Take Teeth, Pull Claws, Take Trophies, before you will roam through game world.
Location for trainers is for an example Borbor on Kila, and Venturio on Fog Island, for Venturio you must finish quest before able to learn.

— Same with mining, learn Prospector skill before mining, it can be learn from Dwarf on Tanaris, called Faris, he is located in the mine nearby Mage-village, not in the mine inside the village.

— Yes, it is better to have a way to open chests and lot of Intimidate, Silver Tongue before start exploring to not back-track locations again and again...

— Yes, it is better to join faction early, as I have understood while playin: because you cannot recruit more companions!

— Do not turn Raw fish into provisions, it is used for quest on island with Demon Hunters. Actually a lot of items which is consumables or valuables kind of crafting materials can be later in game, like Dimonds.


Enemies can be differentiate to few categories, for an example Small enemies and Larger enemies, small enemies can be dueling one-on-one (good timing need) with no lose any HP, or even fight multiple small enemies with slashing weapon — large enemies is far more dangerous, they have a powerful attack which is ignoring block, in this game somehow shields are abscent so powerful slash-attack of some Shadow Guardian is a death-scythe in the start of the game.

How to defeat such enemies — SHIFT-run, wait until the enemy will fight your companion, few attacks, again shift-run. Why not use roll? Because most of enemies have leap-attack, for an example Snappers using backward-leap, and then forward-leap, even if your char will roll 180 degree direction from a Snapper's back-leap, the next-going forward leap can easily catch the poor pirate...
Shooting in the start of the game is effective against some slow large enemies and small-low-damage/armor enemies too.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von frostyshad; 6. Okt. 2023 um 13:18
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Just returned to the game years later and found those two videos - nice startup for an adventure. Collectable that gives +10% XP/Glory and decent starting weapon.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von NUTATCO; 30. Nov. 2023 um 7:56
Ursprünglich geschrieben von NUTATCO:
Just returned to the game years later and found those two videos - nice startup for an adventure. Collectable that gives +10% XP/Glory and decent starting weapon.

Interesting, but spoilers.
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