Gray Zone Warfare

Gray Zone Warfare

Can't Loot My Own Body In PVE...
Afternoon Everyone,

If you are like me and have payed for the supporter edition and ran with all the gear you started with die ran back to your body can see your body but nothing you can loot it.. This has happen to me 4 times now I've loot all my gear and now running around with a knife.

Also if you don't die but the game crashed and kicks you offline when you log back in all you gear you had is gone and you back in the camp with a knife..

I don't know what to do now Just anyone have a work round??
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Showing 1-15 of 37 comments
Varitus Apr 30 @ 2:47pm 
You're lucky if u get to see your body. I get dc borderline right when I get to my body general area. Loosing everything.
I regularly am unable to loot my own body. I'll die roughly 1/3 missions. Each time I go back to my body its 50/50 if its still there. If it is I cannot loot any thing. Once it gave me the option to loot and it was empty. This is all in joint operation (PVE)
I ran into this issue aswell. There has been one instance where somone else could was able to see the body I could not. I really hope they fix this.
Just wait by the helicopters and farm the dudes getting crushed by them. I swear I got probably 5-6 free M4s from that
Another +2 for this issue. Friend died and couldn't loot his. I died 30 minutes later and could not loot mine.
Friend just died couldnt loot body either
happened to me twice now! Tons of modded gear and task item can't get it from my body, but I'm lookin right at it! lol
TOFFMAN May 2 @ 12:20pm 
Yup happened to me twice fully kitted out with my best stuff, very annoying
Happened to me last night and induced lingering ringing butthurt because of all the modded and rebuilt guns and the uber body armor...

So traumatized and butthurt. "It is early access" I know, I know... butthurt still lingers without the courtesy of a reach around.
Vorognuk May 3 @ 12:10am 
I've had the same issue where I die (usually in a building) and when I get back to it, it's either invisible or it's despawned.
Originally posted by Daigoji Gai:
Happened to me last night and induced lingering ringing butthurt because of all the modded and rebuilt guns and the uber body armor...

So traumatized and butthurt. "It is early access" I know, I know... butthurt still lingers without the courtesy of a reach around.

they need to let us save blueprints.
Marx May 3 @ 12:30am 
Make a bug post on the discord. Thanks for testing!
I did this once, went out with the good gear and some lucky Sumofabitch thought it was xmas im sure. Since then my good gear hasn't left my inventory until I get better or the game gets fixed.
However since then I have learnt to become very useful. I did once, and only once team kill this poor sucker but felt a bit guilty after for it, and died after getting all his gear by another TK'r Karma's a biatchya. Since then I've learnt to loot and find stashes.
Have now since replaced all lost gear and am starting to run out of storage.

It might sound harsh , but its a good lesson. Get out crawl... walk learn how to survive obtain gear without team killing or camping an area. Because it might be hard to believe, but getting good gear back is easier than you think once you get god at it. Sure you will die a few times and loose more gear, but its not your own,
Go out rambo style, just your knife and if you get gear.... excellent , if you die ... Nothing lost.
Good luck
I don't understand why in PvE you can die by friendly fire, that accidents happen, but it has happened to me twice already to be waiting for extraction and some son of a b**** kills me in the back when I go to get on the helicopter and steal my equipment. When I come back my body is there, and I find "what he left behind".

It should not be allowed in PvE to loot your body for other people, otherwise, there is no difference with PvP.
Last edited by Iognaid Teller; May 4 @ 8:23pm
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Date Posted: Apr 30 @ 2:37pm
Posts: 37