Gray Zone Warfare

Gray Zone Warfare

Player2 2月3日 9時05分
Linux support/Proton compatibility?
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76-90 / 176 のコメントを表示
Bilbo Fraggins の投稿を引用:
alfoxligmacharli の投稿を引用:
well you will probably have to wait a lot because linux is first not exactly good to play video or make video game and second not that much people use it as the majority of player will be on window so if they do manage to port the game to linux they may won't be able to make it crossplateform and i could be weird to adapt the game to linux for the few hundred player that will want to play the game on linux

Steam Deck is Linux, and that has already sold multiple millions. Linux being niche is an outdated concept.
the WIIU sold at million doesn't mean there a lot of game or that it is good
as for the stream deck there isn't that much game compared to everything else

also i think they where talking about linux as a pc working on linux (and my father installed linux on a computer once and it wasn't even able to run as etheir it was uncompatible with the pc component or wasn't able to just work
"alfoxligmacharli" の投稿を引用: father installed linux on a computer once and it wasn't even able to run as etheir it was uncompatible with the pc component or wasn't able to just work.
LOL! Linux is running on nearly every Hardware. It must just be configured and THAT is why every Linux User is loving this great OS!
最近の変更はqjackが行いました; 5月1日 15時18分
qjack の投稿を引用:
"alfoxligmacharli" の投稿を引用: father installed linux on a computer once and it wasn't even able to run as etheir it was uncompatible with the pc component or wasn't able to just work.
LOL! Linux is running on nearly every Hardware. It must just be configured and THAT is why every Linux User is loving this great OS!
still a sh*tty open source OS that can't run most video game it is even more dumb then playing video game on mac but at least them the dev do take mac into acount and create version of game for it even if a OS made for office work is obviously not made for video game
windows is the most ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ os . anything I do on my personal computer can be replicated on a linux machine. Except playing multiplayer games. That is the only reason why I still have windows. Disappointing news
alfoxligmacharli の投稿を引用:
qjack の投稿を引用:
LOL! Linux is running on nearly every Hardware. It must just be configured and THAT is why every Linux User is loving this great OS!
still a sh*tty open source OS that can't run most video game it is even more dumb then playing video game on mac but at least them the dev do take mac into acount and create version of game for it even if a OS made for office work is obviously not made for video game

Except... it can for most games. ProtonDB can show you that most games are playable in Linux.

The only thing preventing the users from playing at the moment is the anti-cheat, we can launch, make a character, select a faction, and deploy to the pvp or pve but once we load in we are kicked. If it's such an awful OS, how come we're able to run the game out of the box minus the anti cheat?

You're hating on the OS because you couldn't figure out how to run it. That's okay, not everyone can fit the round block in the round hole, and we have special education for them.
MFG_Tomas の投稿を引用:
Hey, Headache,

At the moment we are fully focused on the development of the game for Windows, so I can't promise anything.- However, anything can happen in the future and if the players like the game a lot, it is possible that we will consider Linux support. Thank you for your interest :)
nice way of saying game was released too early due to greed related to tarkov drama and its not even in a state to be playable by vast amount of the buyers, we're desperately trying to fix game breaking issues and cant even consider proton compatibility
alfoxligmacharli の投稿を引用:
as for the stream deck there isn't that much game compared to everything else

What are you talking about? It isn't a console. There are no "Steam Deck specific" games. It runs regular PC games. Almost all Windows games that don't have kernel level anti-cheat work on the Steam Deck and on Linux via Proton. Heck even other EAC enabled games work on Proton. All we're asking for is for the devs to enable EAC support on Linux, not port the game over to a brand new platform.

You clearly don't understand how Steam Deck and Linux work.
alfoxligmacharli の投稿を引用:
Uppity の投稿を引用:
well you will probably have to wait a lot because linux is first not exactly good to play video or make video game and second not that much people use it as the majority of player will be on window so if they do manage to port the game to linux they may won't be able to make it crossplateform and i could be weird to adapt the game to linux for the few hundred player that will want to play the game on linux
1. Linux is a great way to play video games; I have used it exclusively for all purposes, for years.
The ONLY thing that prevents games running on linux, these days, is anti-cheat specifically blocking Linux.
2. Linux is an excellent OS to use to develop video games.
3. "Not that much people use it" -> Linux users now represent ~5% of all desktop and laptop users. Getting 1 person out of 20 to install *any* operating system is a great feat; let alone making the switch to linux. We're talking 5% of, what, 1 billion? That makes 50 million linux users, worldwide.
(Not to mention: ~95% market share in the server space)
4. "the majority of player will be on window" -> For now, but that doesn't mean you should ignore 5% of your potential market. Especially when the cost to capture that is so low.
5. "if they do manage to port the game to linux they may won't be able to make it crossplateform" -> Uhh... There is no need for a "port". We just need the anticheat to stop blocking linux. Linux is already capable of playing the game, but we get booted from the servers. "Crossplatform" is the default. There isn't any difference, to the servers, between running the game on linux vs running it on windows.
6. "and i could be weird to adapt the game to linux for the few hundred player that will want to play the game on linux" -> Given 60,000 online right now, and linux's 5% market share, There are ~3100 people out there that would like to play this game on linux, right now. *
* Many people dual-boot windows to game, for those games that block linux, so some portion of those 3100 are already playing, but would switch back to linux if it was possible.

It doesn't seem like you have a good grasp of what gaming on linux looks like, or how far the linux ecosystem has come in the past 10 years.
+1 To enabling EAC.

I know one guy isn't much, but I'm one EAC checkbox away from giving you my supporter edition money. Trust me, I bought EOD for Tarkov and will not be buying the unheard edition. I'm willing to throw money at a project I believe in and from your teams interview on the Pogcast and how I saw the closed beta go...I'm excited. I'll come clean toilets or shine shoes for us to play on Linux.
+1 for enabling EAC through proton, This will open steam deck compatibility.
Well no reply to my email to them. Refund request submitted.
Status Update - Gray Zone Warfare - Version 5.3.2-68308
New Error:
EAC Action 0x00020008 The client failed to load the Anti Cheat module at startup.
Enabling EAC to work with Steam Deck/Linux
Enabling EAC to work with Steam Deck/Linux.
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76-90 / 176 のコメントを表示
ページ毎: 1530 50

投稿日: 2月3日 9時05分
投稿数: 176