Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

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mzulftna  [utvikler] 12. jan. kl. 6.32
About the multiplayer
Hello there,

We've been reading your comments about Expeditions, and we're delighted to see your enthusiasm for the game!

The first previews of the game dropped on many websites and creator channels earlier this week and we’re pleased to read the positive feedback.

  • IGN preview: “stay upright, don’t get stuck, and if in doubt, winch your way out.
  • ACG preview: “Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is both familiar and notably unique compared to the past entries in the Mudrunner family of games.
  • CGMagazine Online preview[www.cgmagonline.com]: “A hardcore offroading simulator in all the best ways
  • Hardcore Gamer preview[hardcoregamer.com]: “It's a rough but not insurmountable out in the landscapes of Expeditions, and a big truck with the right tools will be able to muscle its way past
A question that has frequently come up, and that we'd like to address regarding multiplayer:

Co-op mode will be released in Expeditions as a free update a few months after the release of the game.

Co-op is an important feature, for both MudRunner veterans and newcomers. That’s why we want the multiplayer experience in Expeditions to feel as polished as possible, which means taking a few extra months.

Like our previous MudRunner game, SnowRunner, we have some exciting post-launch updates planned for Expeditions, which we’ll talk about soon.

Thanks for your patience. Stay tuned for further updates, and thank you for being part of the community!

The Expeditions team
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Lmao 13. jan. kl. 3.05 
MMO type like ETS2 with ProMod multiplayer would be a dream. Imagine just tons of trucks all over in a generative world or something like Riders republic. When one get stuck one can call from help from other players for rescue missions. And one can enter instances around the map to go in for a tailored challenge.

This is as said, entry game for new players in the series and us who wanted a true sequel for MR will have to wait. An MMO type of game with generative world will come sooner or late.

Unfortuntately the physics seem to be from Snowrunner so that is a no from me.
Sist redigert av Lmao; 13. jan. kl. 3.07
Örjan Stjärtsmörjarn 13. jan. kl. 13.14 
Ah well... Its the new trend with AAA game developers, release a game that's not finished. You lost my pre-purchase...
Roadsweeper 14. jan. kl. 8.08 
Thats not what I wanted to hear. Guess I wont be buying it day one / preordering it.

I play snowrunner with the Mrs, we enjoy chilling and hauling stuff about, coop is a critical part of the gameplay for me. I'm already unhappy about the lack of an inmap garage, preventing us from changing vehicles on the fly (I mean, who thought that would be a good idea???), and the fact it sounds like we cant free-roam at the start of each map to explore it all.

I will still pick it up, once the coop is released, tested, and functional, but not before then as I am becoming more and more wary of Expeditions.

Will have to hope you dont keep season 12 of Snowrunner away from us for too long.
Happy to hear their putting co op, almost didn't buy it :)
Grem™ 23. jan. kl. 3.53 
j attend le mode coop avec impatience
axsofgod 7. feb. kl. 13.14 
Question. Will be able to play offline in offline steam mode?
Gamemeh 9. feb. kl. 19.13 
Happy to hear that, but no point in a pre-order for me. When it receives it's co-op update and the inevitable sales come, I'll get it then.
moparhippy420 12. feb. kl. 16.16 
probably not the best tactic honestly. Most people played the previous games solely with friends in co-op. Not having it until a "few months later" is a bad move, especially if it has a bad launch. people who would buy it day 1 (including me and 3 friends) now have no incentive to do so, and if the launch/game is bad, well then its just gonna cement a no buy.

also, the lack of multiple input support and manual trans option in snowrunner is baffling and why I pretty much quit playing it after upgrading my sim rig. 100s of hours on both console and pc when I was running all logitech, but after upgrading my sim rig to different brands, totally lost wheel support, and interest in snowrunner.

If I cant use all my gear that ive spent thousands on, on this game, its gonna also be a really tough sell for me. Especially when you consider there is literally no reason why it cant support multiple inputs. Every single driving game that has any resemblance of wheel support will recognize more then one input at once.

Its like you guys have totally alienated the core fanbase that made this series what it is in the 1st place. Why? Makes zero sense and is completely mind boggling. Without us this series would have never gotten past spintires. Remember that....
CadaverHand 13. feb. kl. 4.32 
Disappointed... this went from a day1 buy to a back burner game real quick.
Pablo Sierra 24. feb. kl. 11.41 
So thankful for OP, I was just about to pre-order but thank god I didn't. Waiting for co-op now!
TheOrangeBox 26. feb. kl. 18.06 
Where's Pavel ?
MarkJohnson 27. feb. kl. 11.01 
Oh bummer, I was going to pre-order to get early access, but I want MP, so I will wait and see. I already got bit by Cities Skylines 2. I'm gun shy now.
ToreDL87 28. feb. kl. 5.15 
Was playing Snowrunner yesterday, my truck was auto shifting to 2nd gear, then it found it couldn't because not enough momentum so it STOPPED, PHYSICALLY STOPPED, to shift back to 1st gear, then it kept DOING that for the entire stretch of road I was on.

Other times I try to keep momentum, tree falls over 20m away from me, like the field of active object physics moves so the game tries to reload them, and from that the truck loses JUST enough momentum going up the hill and starts doing the whole "change gear change gear k*ll a prost|tute" thing (to quote Jeremy Clarkson).

And now no MP until months into the release.
So they throw out polls and this franchise is REGRESSING, not progressing, it's like watching someone already born & legally alive slowly become a physical freak show.
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