Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

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KuWanTum 2015년 12월 17일 오전 4시 04분
Is "Super Sparrow" impossible to achieve legimitately?
Noticed that nobody on the Xbox version at trueachievements nor anybody on the PC version at truesteamachievements have unlocked this... is it impossible?

With any symptoms mutated, ports close while a combination of Greenland/Philippines/Madagascar/Caribbean are without infection. As a result, it seems impossible to get more than 2 biohazards with bacteria etc.

At least Simian/Neurax/Necro you can force the plague to islands but does anyone know how to do the other plagues? Even the Plague Inc/Evolved Wiki seems to be without any ideas :-/
KuWanTum 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2015년 12월 17일 오전 4시 12분
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MkayShock Madness 2015년 12월 17일 오전 4시 38분 
If they didn't changed things way too extrem, then it is possible, but you have to be a bit lucky I assume ... nevertheless this achievement and Mr. President are the worst, took me hours to get it.
KuWanTum 2015년 12월 17일 오전 4시 43분 
MkayShock Madness님이 먼저 게시:
If they didn't changed things way too extrem, then it is possible, but you have to be a bit lucky I assume ... nevertheless this achievement and Mr. President are the worst, took me hours to get it.

The issue I have is:

Evolve symptoms = infect faster, but can't get all islands before some vital ports close

Don't evolve symptoms = can infect every country, but not fast enough for 3 biohazards :meatytears: One game, I decided to see how long to infect every country with all transmissions evolved. Eventually had everything covered (Caribbean being last island) 21-6-2021 lol

I'm ready to give up tbh... spent hours trying to just get 3 with bacteria and not even getting close :-/
KuWanTum 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2015년 12월 17일 오전 4시 44분
MkayShock Madness 2015년 12월 17일 오전 4시 47분 
Well you have to find the mix off symptoms and transmissions. I would help you more, but I have done the achievement like 1.5 years ago. :/
Also parasite is the worst ... :(
Solara 2015년 12월 17일 오전 9시 08분 
This is definitely the most time-consuming and luck-draining achievement.
And since it will no longer unlock on casual difficulty after some update, all I wanna say is keep trying and good luck :)
Solara 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2015년 12월 17일 오전 9시 12분
Aquarius 2015년 12월 17일 오후 12시 01분 
I have spent many hours trying to get those two achievements! And can't seem to find a way either..I have a few post out on SS & Mr. Pres..These are the only two achievements I have yet to get (other than publish one)..And I to can not seem to find another player that has gotten either of them on pc in the past 6 months! The developers said they would keep a close eye on these two achievements and make adjustments if ness, but after Multiplayer was up & running! So I'm guessing they will look into this matter in due time! Good luck my friend! Happy Holidays
KuWanTum 2015년 12월 17일 오후 9시 20분 
I hope so,.. I tried on casual and couldn't even get 3-biohazards on that difficulty setting for the same reason (ports closed or had to wait too long for ships to infect)

I'm glad the developer is considering a rebalance if they feel necessary. A challenge is good, but this is crazy :-/
KuWanTum 2015년 12월 17일 오후 9시 24분 
I've just noticed the Mr President and Lava God achievements... Looks like those will be just as bad :-(
Aquarius 2015년 12월 18일 오후 1시 43분 
@KuWanTum..I did get Lava God not to long ago..but your correct, it's no ez achievement for sure :cure:
KuWanTum 2015년 12월 19일 오후 4시 40분 
Come on Mr Dev guy, please make my Christmas with a strong hint towards the only way to do it, or a promise to look into this more :-)
Tomcatus 2015년 12월 20일 오전 3시 48분 
I'm coming across the same problem for quite a long time. Beating Pirate Plague, or Shutdown Everything or Volcano Ash with for example Necroa on normal with 3 bios is impossible. Either it's so luck dependent or it's broken. Like last 15 of mine 60 hrs in this game was devoted to beating Necroa on any of these scenarios - without success.

What makes me wonder is the fact, that in the past you could get this achievement on Casual difficulty, that's when almost everybody got these achievements. Later it was added that you need to get 3 bios on Normal, and from that time little to nobody actually got this achievement, and if they got it was more luck than actual skill. I tried to do Necroa on Casual in these scenarios and got 3 bios after few tries (it's not that easy still, but at least it's doable).

So maybe devs can address it, or maybe change it back to how it was working, because it was good and people actually got these achievements. A lot of new players came into this game after the MP update, but this can discourage them from playing, not achievable achievements are bad ;)
Jer3m 2015년 12월 20일 오전 6시 05분 
I think you're right Tomcatus, in the sense some people will plays again this game (or new players, like me : bought game one year ago but not really played).
I've take some pleasure playing solo mode and now on scenario. It just remain these achievements for me (super sparrow, lava god & president).

I've made a recent topic looking for some tips. I've beaten game with 3 bio, normal difficulty, with bacteria (really many tries & some luck with save/reload games many hours..), virus (same as bacteria), fungus (easy), worm (easy) & parasite (some luck).
I'm actually losing ith prion that is really really slow, even when I try to kill people 8 months after start but never done before 16 months in game ...

I hope creators will see these topics and juste make it easier, at least creating a popup saying pirates are hunted by governement or maybe put achievement on casual difficulty.
That's crazy and no sense actually. Just no-brain playing, loading some games waiting to see all these islands turning red.

(I'm just repeating my topic but it's true...)
Ndemic James  [개발자] 2015년 12월 23일 오전 2시 06분 
They are achievable but are very hard! Do people think they should be made easier?
SlackerBoe 2015년 12월 23일 오전 2시 24분 

I'd say yes, myself. I've done a lot more scenario's on my phone, but I pretty much gave up on ever getting acheivements that require me to 3 sign more than 1 type.
Tomcatus 2015년 12월 23일 오전 3시 00분 
@Ndemi James: as for myself I think they are too hard. You have quite few difficult achievements like recreating planet of apes or NOZG, but this three, just too hard. Also you've changed that they can't be acquired on Casual difficulty, may I ask why? Most people got this achievement before this change (and even then it was known as one of the most difficult achievements in the game).
KuWanTum 2015년 12월 23일 오전 6시 02분 
Ndemic James님이 먼저 게시:
They are achievable but are very hard! Do people think they should be made easier?

A little easier please (not super easy!). I just can't get all islands covered in time for the "ships required" plagues, even after hours of trying :-(
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