

Game not booting
Or maybe I am just too imperfect to understand whats going on :D
I get a very small window on the middle of the screen which is all black, except for "RES". Cant press any keys or anything. What am I missing? :)
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My main is still rendering, so I might as well just take this screengrab, in case it makes a difference:
Tested on my win8 machine. Works fine on that. I bought it for the other machine, though. Any help on this?
I have the same problem.

Win8.1, Intel HD4000/Radeon 7970M
Hmmm. The game's built in Game Maker, and the problem you're having looks like an engine thing, not something that would be wrong in my code. Might be graphics card specific. Unfortunately, I don't think I can offer any solution for a problem like this other than playing on a different machine. :/
Origineel geplaatst door banov:
Might be graphics card specific

Can't be more generic than HD4000 and Radeon 7970M....
Having the exact same problem, and my computer meets all the requirements.. I don't have another computer to play it on, so I'm pretty disappointed :( Hopefully I'll get to try the game soon on someone else's computer or something, but I really hope the issue will be resolved some time in the near future!
Solved it: it's an issue with integrated Intel GPUs. If you can switch to another GPU, all should be fine (ATI has a tool for that. Right-click on your desktop and you can open it. Not sure how NVidia handles this). If you only have an Intel GPU, you might be out of luck there.
I have to add a me 2 to this thread. , Intel HD4000 win 7 64 bit. any help appreciated
Origineel geplaatst door iLag (BSIG):
Solved it: it's an issue with integrated Intel GPUs. If you can switch to another GPU, all should be fine .

I confirm for Alienware M17xR4 with Radeon 7970M. You need to reboot with switchin the GPU to boot your Radeon only (FN key +F7). It maybe just the driver issue (I have 14.7 beta)
small update on this as it might help others. Lenovo released a driver update for the integrated Intel HD 4000 GFX chip and now I'm able to play the game
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