Spacebase DF-9

Spacebase DF-9

crumb 26 mar. 2014 às 12:56
This game is not worth it yet
If you're here wondering if this game is worth buying as a pre-release, the answer right now is it's probably not. While the game has promise, the current state is very, very, early in development and there is not a large amount of gameplay to be had yet. After a few hours you will have experienced nearly everything the game has to offer and will run into a large amount of limitations and problems. Development is currently glacial, and there's been a long pause with no updates. It's not clear when the game will be in a more complete state or even what that state might look like.

While the game does seem like it could be very good eventually and I'm looking forward to seeing its potential, unless you are extremely hungry to play it I very strongly recommend not buying and waiting several months, or possibly years, to see where development goes before spending your money.
Última alteração por crumb; 26 mar. 2014 às 13:15
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A mostrar 1-15 de 23 comentários
Brad Kitt 26 mar. 2014 às 15:28 
Thank you, was gonna take a punt on this but now Ill save my money and watch from a distance.
TheDude1972 26 mar. 2014 às 15:54 
Good clear info, thank you :)
Hupsutin 26 mar. 2014 às 16:40 
Thank you,almost bought it
JCPhoenix 26 mar. 2014 às 17:07 
Thanks for the cautionary post. Definitely keeping this game on my radar, though. Looking forward to getting it one day.
shadeling 26 mar. 2014 às 17:22 
I appreciate your post too. I think I'll let this sale go by and keep tabs on it from my wishlist for a while longer yet.
EddyDecapitated 26 mar. 2014 às 21:06 
Thanks for the post bro - I really want this game, but I think it's best for me to wait until the full release. The sale really has me tempted though.
Misery 26 mar. 2014 às 22:11 
Is the development on this one really THAT slow? *sigh* I often wonder exactly how/why that ends up happening. Some games take seriously absurd amounts of time to make, which often doesnt make much sense in the context of the game being made.

Too bad. Honestly, if it's that absurdly slow, it might be a lost cause. Best to hear about it early though rather than spend money on it, which I nearly did.
Flurble 26 mar. 2014 às 23:21 
You really need to look at it as a work in progress. I've put a bunch of hours into it, and while you may want to wait a bit, in the end I think they'll have a fleshed out experience. I've enjoyed the time I've played it, and I picked it up on sale once before, and haven't regretted the purchase. Take this advice for what you paid for it.
Mendacious Calamity 27 mar. 2014 às 0:28 
Originalmente postado por Misery:
Is the development on this one really THAT slow? *sigh* I often wonder exactly how/why that ends up happening. Some games take seriously absurd amounts of time to make, which often doesnt make much sense in the context of the game being made.

Amnesia Fortnight. It's not a secret!

Also, games take a lot longer than you think to make. Unless you actually make games, you should'nt really speculate as to how long any given game should take to make, other than "a long time".

Dr. Dino 27 mar. 2014 às 0:36 
As a guy who sinked 20 hours into this and enjoyed it, I would agree it is not 'worth it' to majority of people.
Misery 27 mar. 2014 às 2:38 
Originalmente postado por my•glass•eye:
Originalmente postado por Misery:
Is the development on this one really THAT slow? *sigh* I often wonder exactly how/why that ends up happening. Some games take seriously absurd amounts of time to make, which often doesnt make much sense in the context of the game being made.

Amnesia Fortnight. It's not a secret!

Also, games take a lot longer than you think to make. Unless you actually make games, you should'nt really speculate as to how long any given game should take to make, other than "a long time".

Actually, I *am* into development. Have been for a long time. Programming and game design has long been a hobby of mine. I'm also interested in the publishing aspect as well, but that's a whole other box of cats.

I also very often work closely with indie developers for testing, since I like supporting them, and with my absurd amount of free time, I can do so. And I dont mean the type of testing that's best said in quotes, like "testing", where all you actually do is just play the game... I mean the sort that involves FREQUENT and extremely detailed bug testing, as well as attempting to assist in finding solutions for the many problems that appear during development.

That's exactly WHY I would think it's a bust, because I know full well it can be done faster.... even with a very small team (which many times isnt even a team, but just ONE person). I'm not one to say such things unless I already do have extensive knowledge of the subject.

Of course, some of it depends on HOW they're developing it, not to mention just how much available time they have to put towards it.... but typically, I dont care much about that. I'm not a patient individual (I may actually have negative patience), so I usually wont support projects that are moving too slowly. I could use that time for other things. THIS game I've been aware of for quite awhile, but.... it doesnt seem to have gone much of anywhere in that time, from what I've seen of it. Not to mention I also have numerous other games that are essentially of this type, so it's not a new, super exciting concept to me.

Oh well. Perhaps I'll find it again later on when there's more to it. For now, I'm off to other boards. I bid you all a good day.
Nats 27 mar. 2014 às 3:17 
I would say never buy and early access game they are practically all just not worth the very long wait you will have before you can play anything substantial. There are a couple of exceptions like Kerbal Space Program but in the main stay away from them. Game development is a long slow labourious process. Buy complete games and do you research before you buy, especially on Steam where you cannot send anything back easily. Make sure you know what you are getting before you buy it.
Stronkie 27 mar. 2014 às 3:58 
It is not about buying complete games.. For me it is the feeling to be involved with the process of helping out. Totally no response of the DEVS makes the feeling grow stronger that they are just happy that they got your money. And now they do not feel any obligation to satisfy our needs.. Which is UPDATES and COMMUNICATION to us.. Early Accessers
Mendacious Calamity 27 mar. 2014 às 5:49 
Originalmente postado por Nats:
I would say never buy and early access game they are practically all just not worth the very long wait you will have before you can play anything substantial. There are a couple of exceptions like Kerbal Space Program but in the main stay away from them. Game development is a long slow labourious process. Buy complete games and do you research before you buy, especially on Steam where you cannot send anything back easily. Make sure you know what you are getting before you buy it.

This is a worthwhile post apart from the crap about people not buying Early Access games.

Here's a better version, thank me later:

"Make sure you know what you are getting before you buy it."

There you go, that's it. That's all you needed to put.
Random Event 27 mar. 2014 às 6:07 
Originalmente postado por Hupsutin:
Thank you,almost bought it

Same here.
Now I shall wait and look forward to it hopefully finishing one day.
Back to Startopia I guess (still an amazing game).
Thank you to the OP for a concise and honest post.
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Postado a: 26 mar. 2014 às 12:56
Comentários: 23