Tropico 5

Tropico 5

Voir les stats:
DLC + expansions already mentioned in game files
Wowiwankenobi posted some screenshots[] of Super Computer, Wind Farm, Fast Food Joint, Giant Laser, Asylum + more

PizzaVideo555 figured out how to get a Wind Farm, Creamery, Dolphinarium, Inquisition (doesn't work), a giant laser (doesn't do anything), and boat houses (very glitchy).

Findings "DarthPresidente"

"Espionage" Expansion
  • DroneCommand
  • Dungeon
  • MechanizedGarrison
  • MinistryOfInformation
  • PoliceBlimp
  • RangerCorps
  • SecurityCheckpoint
  • SpyAcademy

"Waterborne" Expansion
  • Bathysphere
  • FishingTrawler
  • FloatingApartment
  • GlassBottomRestaurant
  • NuclearSubmarine
  • OffshoreOffice
  • OysterFarm
  • SmugglersDock
  • TidalPowerPlant
  • "Uncle Pedro" Hat
  • "Napoleon" Hat

DLC 1 "Inquisition"
  • Inquisition - "Allows the persecution of factions. Discovers the hidden roles of citizens."
  • "Inquisitor's Hat"

DLC 2 "The Big Cheese"
  • Creamery - Produces Cheese from Milk.
  • "Chef's Toque"

DLC 3 "T-Day"
  • Fortress - Engages enemy soldiers in its vicinity.
  • "Great War Helmet"

DLC 4 "Madness"
  • Asylum - Provides Healthcare. The "Discredit" citizen action has no negative effects.
  • "Funnel" hat

DLC 5 "The Supercomputer"
  • Supercomputer - Generates Research Points
  • "Headphones"

DLC 6 "Surfs Up!"
  • Dolphinarium - Provides Entertainment for richer citizens and tourists in the vicinity.
  • "Diving Mask"

DLC 7 "Generalissimo"
  • DefenseHQ - Provides a squad of Commandos.
  • "General's Peak Cap"

DLC 8 "Gone Green"
  • WindFarm - Provides Electricity. Better Effectiveness on higher ground and near shores
  • "Hippie" hair

DLC 9 "McTropico"
  • FastFoodJoint
  • "McWig" hair

DLC 10 "Supervillain"
  • GiantLaser - Allows remote disintegration of enemy squads and building personnel.
  • "Avatar_Moustache_05"

Also there are allot more skills in "SkillInfo.lua" compared to the options in create a Dynasty.

Other findings from "MissNet":
I wonder what are these files for:
Cut off for dlc?

Developer reply:
Capitan Maximum a écrit :
Great find! The titles in the code are indeed placeholder names for possible future DLCs and expansions. However, no content whatsoever is included in the game. In terms of DLC for Tropico 5, nothing is decided yet, neither names, nor amount or content.

The title presence is a byproduct of console development and first-party certification where the game needs to be ready for post-release content support in order to avoid lengthy and complex update testing later on.

Our focus at the moment is very clearly bugfixing, server stability improvements and new feature or content additions for all.
Dernière modification de Hassan; 11 juin 2014 à 15h21
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 220
Tal a écrit :
Some good stuff in there .. bring on that DLC!

Tal a écrit :
Some good stuff in there .. bring on that DLC!

It is too soon for dlc.
They havent even fix the bugs yet.
Dernière modification de Malaficus Shaikan; 30 mai 2014 à 3h34
come on with those dlc, i need more content. Its a shame to only get a few days of playing out of this game for this price.
Malaficus Shaikan a écrit :

It is too soon for dlc.
They havent even fix the bugs yet.

It's not like they're releasing them tomorrow.
So, we can guess what DLC 7 Generalissimo.

Anyone willing to bet this will be the missing military base that should be in base game?
No tourism DLC ? :(
Surfs UP.
If that list of DLCs is accurate, interesting that the pre-order DLC is second and announced to be released later this summer.
come on with those dlc, i need more content. Its a shame to only get a few days of playing out of this game for this price.

Agreed, no matter what the trolls say, this game is stale already. 5500 peak average playing most days, how sad it that, but the devs brought it upon themselves. The list of disappointments in this game is staggering, and I wonder how many people in these forums are simply paid to puff this game up. Just the fact that you can't create your own scenario made me realize they dumbed this down to work on a console. Why make a good PC game when you can make a junk console game and sell more. Meh. Long live Tropico 1-4.
I can't say if it was dumbed down(sounds like it) but blaming consoles is nonsense. Both Tropico 3 & 4 were on console and are identical to the PC version.
Bring it on!
Well, they certainly are ambitious...
Generalissimo ftw
It is rumoured that the current game contains all DLC contents, they are just 'hidden' by .lua codes, and someone has already 'fix' this problem with mod.

Remember, it is just a rumour.


So it is no longer a rumour anymore. Good job Kalypso, you have successfully lowered the standard in gaming industry again.

BTW, the aforementioned mod maker has confirmed that most buildings and mechanics in the 'hidden' DLCs are not properly functioning at the moment, most of them just have models.
Dernière modification de Postmodern Major General; 2 juin 2014 à 8h49
oldeguy a écrit :
....this game is stale already. 5500 peak average playing most days, how sad it that, but the devs brought it upon themselves. The list of disappointments in this game is staggering, and I wonder how many people in these forums are simply paid to puff this game up. Just the fact that you can't create your own scenario made me realize they dumbed this down to work on a console. Why make a good PC game when you can make a junk console game and sell more. Meh. Long live Tropico 1-4.

I feel exactly the same way. (Maybe it's because I'm also at an age to be considered 'old' by the average gamer.) And that includes my own speculation(s) about who on this forum is being paid to type nonsense about how great this game is when, unless you're obsessed with getting Steam achievements, it's barely playable once.

No $4.99 DLC is going to fix what's fundamentally wrong with this game. It's just not as much fun as its predecessors.
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Posté le 30 mai 2014 à 0h13
Messages : 220