STAR WARS™: Battlefront Classic Collection

STAR WARS™: Battlefront Classic Collection

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iamashaymin Feb 21 @ 10:39am
Aspyr *was using an outdated mod
IGN Article:

Aspyr responded to IGN and confirmed the speculations and theory that Aspyr simply used my content for testing and it was replaced after the trailer’s recording with the official pandemic content.

I want to thank everyone who helped bring attention to the issue since without the support I likely would never have gotten a response from Aspyr.


So to update this.
Both PS5 and Switch versions released with the mod files. We have datamined and archived the Switch build to confirm it.
Yes, they patched them out quickly, but some users still caught gameplay and experienced the heroes.
Remember what they said though?
'The upcoming release of Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection does not include any code or content that is taken from uncredited sources.'
So they just talked ♥♥♥♥, blatantly lied.
Released code and content taken from an uncredited source on 2 platforms.

The PS5 stuff was covered by IGN again:

The Switch stuff was just recently found and footage can be found here:

I started this in good faith. With good intentions.
But I will not tolerate being lied to, pushed aside with a corporate excuse.

I am really torn up over this. The Classic Collection had all the potential in the world to be amazing.

Original post:
I am the author of the Xbox DLC Content for PC mod for Battlefront 2.
The trailer for this game shows Asajj wielding 2 lightsabers like Aayla - something I did for my mod a few years ago due to a complication with the animations. Same with Kit Fisto who is clearly using Ki Adi Mundis anims like in my mod.
I fixed this recently so my heroes use the official pandemic animations. Aspyr have not.
There were a couple things I had to create custom like Asajj's lightsabers and Kit Fisto's force bubble that I am expecting to appear. (Asajj's sabers are defo there already, seen in the trailers)

This is not a bad thing, everything I create is property of Lucasfilm however it is disappointing that they are using some old version of a mod rather than try and do it themselves. I don’t know the situation bts.

At least they fixed Kit Fisto by allowing for his tentacles to work right and used the original msh.

I will find out the truth when I data mine this pack.

For a much better and more comprehensive breakdown I suggest reading this Reddit thread here:
It explains things and presents the evidence in a much more effective and elegant way. ;)

So for those missing the point entirely; the issue is not that it’s my mod, or that they’ve used a mod or anything like that.
Personally I’m flattered and overjoyed that something I created was even shown in something official Star Wars.
I actually released the source for the mod for this reason to allow anyone to add onto and use it.
The version used in the Classic Collection is found here:
And the new revised accurate versions are found included within:

The problem is they are using an incorrect heroes instead of the unique original pandemic heroes.

How do I know it’s my mod used?
I made unique saber hilts for Asajj that were in use in the trailer.

I have reached out to Aspyr about this and am awaiting a response, however the leading theory is that the ports were only in development for a handful of months and they started work on content development first.
Since the official heroes at that time needed game code modifications to work they likely sourced my modded heroes as a substitute until they could be replaced.
It just so happens the promo content was recorded while they were in use - this is backed up by the fact in the Xbox platform trailer specifically you can see Asajj with her unique official anims and saber nunchucks on Bespin (it is also on other trailers but a lot less clear.)

It has come to my attention that Aspyr weren’t responsible for the trailers and used a third party media company however this just confuses things further? Was Bespin on a different build or are they actually using my mod?
Idk, it isn’t normal for them to send out multiple builds for trailer recording so it appears my mod could actually be in use.
No way to be certain until release day.

Please don’t make assumptions that they did this out of laziness.
Last edited by iamashaymin; Mar 16 @ 11:54am
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Showing 1-15 of 161 comments
Xtal Feb 21 @ 11:27am 
Pls keep me updated, this is wild
I've noticed that too. Subscribed for some drama :-P

Thanks for making Xbox DLC mod by the way
GreenSwede Feb 21 @ 11:46am 
Originally posted by XbninjaXIV:
It’s their copyrighted material, why do you expect anything from them? If it bothers you that much then reach out to them
OP already mentioned why - they couldn't be bothered to use the most up to date version of their mod. doesn't that seem silly to you?
Swattii Feb 21 @ 11:50am 
Originally posted by GreenSwede:
Originally posted by XbninjaXIV:
It’s their copyrighted material, why do you expect anything from them? If it bothers you that much then reach out to them
OP already mentioned why - they couldn't be bothered to use the most up to date version of their mod. doesn't that seem silly to you?
Who cares, it's Battlefront, baby! I can't wait to buy multiple copies for me and my friends!
GreenSwede Feb 21 @ 11:52am 
Originally posted by Swattii:
Originally posted by GreenSwede:
OP already mentioned why - they couldn't be bothered to use the most up to date version of their mod. doesn't that seem silly to you?
Who cares, it's Battlefront, baby! I can't wait to buy multiple copies for me and my friends!
that's fair, I just personally believe that more effort should be expected for 35 bucks.
Nishan Feb 21 @ 12:00pm 
are you sure the trailer showed assajj dual wielding like secura?

When I watched the trailer I paused and saw Asajj holding the two sabers in between her arms like a nunchuck
fuze Feb 21 @ 12:04pm 
Not your mod.
fuze Feb 21 @ 12:04pm 
Also cope harder as well
Originally posted by Nishan:
are you sure the trailer showed assajj dual wielding like secura?

When I watched the trailer I paused and saw Asajj holding the two sabers in between her arms like a nunchuck

You can see it on the third screenshot on store page. Asajj holding two sabers instead of her nunchuck.
iamashaymin Feb 21 @ 1:43pm 
So as expected, a lot of people missed the point entirely. So let's go through and review.
The point of this wasn't really 'omg they took my stuff without permission', they dont need it, I am thrilled something I worked on is actually in the game.
The issue is however that the version they are using is outdated, you see idk or care if they are using the maps from the Xbox DLC Mod since those were directly ported from Xbox and are still actually Xbox Level files just with headers changed so PC will read them. The heroes however were reconstructed. There's an issue with the xbox heroes (Multiple actually) that needed to be resolved and prior to February 2024 this meant there were 2 versions of the heroes, the actual Xbox versions and versions using existing animations.

In this Collection we see the latter not the former. That is the issue I have, we fixed the issues and now the Xbox DLC Mod ONLY uses the actual Xbox heroes and the Classic Collection does not.
I know they are certainly using the older heroes from my mod because there were personal touches I made in order to make them work well with modified anims, especially Asajj who needed her sabers remade because she has a unique saber type on Xbox.

Okay, now onto responses:

Originally posted by Gusλλλλλλ:
I've noticed that too. Subscribed for some drama :-P

Thanks for making Xbox DLC mod by the way
No problem, it was a group effort between me and a few fellow modders. :D

Originally posted by XbninjaXIV:
It’s their copyrighted material, why do you expect anything from them? If it bothers you that much then reach out to them
Clearly didn't bother reading.

Originally posted by GreenSwede:
Originally posted by Swattii:
Who cares, it's Battlefront, baby! I can't wait to buy multiple copies for me and my friends!
that's fair, I just personally believe that more effort should be expected for 35 bucks.
Tbf, 2 games - with revised features and some graphical work, it's an okay deal. A minor hiccup does not outright devalue the whole package.

Originally posted by Nishan:
are you sure the trailer showed assajj dual wielding like secura?

When I watched the trailer I paused and saw Asajj holding the two sabers in between her arms like a nunchuck
There is one shot where it looks like she was holding a single saber but Starkiller style. But apart from that it seems consistently dual sabers. You can see it here in this video.
Goope Feb 21 @ 1:44pm 
thx for the free labor bozo
Nishan Feb 21 @ 1:56pm 
Originally posted by iamashaymin:
So as expected, a lot of people missed the point entirely. So let's go through and review.
The point of this wasn't really 'omg they took my stuff without permission', they dont need it, I am thrilled something I worked on is actually in the game.
The issue is however that the version they are using is outdated, you see idk or care if they are using the maps from the Xbox DLC Mod since those were directly ported from Xbox and are still actually Xbox Level files just with headers changed so PC will read them. The heroes however were reconstructed. There's an issue with the xbox heroes (Multiple actually) that needed to be resolved and prior to February 2024 this meant there were 2 versions of the heroes, the actual Xbox versions and versions using existing animations.

In this Collection we see the latter not the former. That is the issue I have, we fixed the issues and now the Xbox DLC Mod ONLY uses the actual Xbox heroes and the Classic Collection does not.
I know they are certainly using the older heroes from my mod because there were personal touches I made in order to make them work well with modified anims, especially Asajj who needed her sabers remade because she has a unique saber type on Xbox.

Okay, now onto responses:

Originally posted by Gusλλλλλλ:
I've noticed that too. Subscribed for some drama :-P

Thanks for making Xbox DLC mod by the way
No problem, it was a group effort between me and a few fellow modders. :D

Originally posted by XbninjaXIV:
It’s their copyrighted material, why do you expect anything from them? If it bothers you that much then reach out to them
Clearly didn't bother reading.

Originally posted by GreenSwede:
that's fair, I just personally believe that more effort should be expected for 35 bucks.
Tbf, 2 games - with revised features and some graphical work, it's an okay deal. A minor hiccup does not outright devalue the whole package.

Originally posted by Nishan:
are you sure the trailer showed assajj dual wielding like secura?

When I watched the trailer I paused and saw Asajj holding the two sabers in between her arms like a nunchuck
There is one shot where it looks like she was holding a single saber but Starkiller style. But apart from that it seems consistently dual sabers. You can see it here in this video.

according to the PS blog:

Kit’s special abilities are Saber Throw and Force Orb, making him a fierce contender in Hero Assault for hybrid ranged/melee players.

Villains fans, don’t feel left out. We’ve also brought the Linksaber wielding Sith assassin, Asajj Ventress. Asajj’s special abilities are Star Blades and Force push, making her a great choice for close-ranged encounters and quick escapes.
Last edited by Nishan; Feb 21 @ 1:56pm
keenso Feb 21 @ 2:24pm 
This is definitely interesting. Aspyr got into ♥♥♥♥ before from Lucasfilm for the cancelled content for KoTOR II solely for using a mod to add that content to the game. Keep us updated on this! Also congratulations if they are using your mod. Because I would be honoured to have something I made added to one of the greatest games of all time!
Originally posted by keenso:
This is definitely interesting. Aspyr got into ♥♥♥♥ before from Lucasfilm for the cancelled content for KoTOR II solely for using a mod to add that content to the game. Keep us updated on this! Also congratulations if they are using your mod. Because I would be honoured to have something I made added to one of the greatest games of all time!
I am overjoyed that something I made ended up in an official Star Wars product! :D
I have actually reached out to Aspyr inquiring about the heroes to see if they’ll accept my newer versions!
[Spooky]Rev Feb 21 @ 4:30pm 
Originally posted by iamashaymin:
Originally posted by keenso:
This is definitely interesting. Aspyr got into ♥♥♥♥ before from Lucasfilm for the cancelled content for KoTOR II solely for using a mod to add that content to the game. Keep us updated on this! Also congratulations if they are using your mod. Because I would be honoured to have something I made added to one of the greatest games of all time!
I am overjoyed that something I made ended up in an official Star Wars product! :D
I have actually reached out to Aspyr inquiring about the heroes to see if they’ll accept my newer versions!
Thank you for reaching out to them to make sure its nice and polished
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Date Posted: Feb 21 @ 10:39am
Posts: 162