Take On Mars

Take On Mars

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[Test Branch] Long object creation time & join issue
Hello, dear Devs, since the last build I experience something new that was not present before. When I try to print a new item, or simply place it with the editor, the game stops for a few seconds. I play with a relatively large building, and many parts. This goes worse when more parts are present, maybe some allocating stuff, same happens when I place a part with build tool.
Attached a link to the saves, if want try it.
Also problem that something in the saves preventing other players from joining in, on other maps, servers it works just fine. Hope it can be fixed, this game is getting more and more awesome! :)

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Zobrazeno 11 z 1 komentářů
Stratt 19. zář. 2016 v 11.28 
Oh and same happens every time I assemble any part. Maybe it's checking for leaks and stops the simulation?
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Zobrazeno 11 z 1 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 11. zář. 2016 v 2.42
Počet příspěvků: 1