The Forest

The Forest

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PotatoePet Aug 20, 2014 @ 8:30am
ModAPI 0.2.3a: Map, Weather Control, InstaKill, Remove Dynamiteman, FreeCam and a lot of more stuff!
The ModAPI is currently only available at

Hey there guys,

Update 0.2.3a (Build 201511271):
* Bugfix: The icons on the map are now shown correctly.
* Bugfix: An error by resolving the return type of injected methods is fixed.
* New mod: Remove treestump
Just hit 4-5 times on a tree stump and say good bye. Works on freshly felt trees and also on saved tree stumps. They are also gone forever. :)

Update 0.2.3 (Build 20151127):
Changelog for ModAPI 0.2.3:
* Some small assembly reference errors fixed which occured while creating mods.
* New mod: Map
* Can be opened and closed with a key (standard: M).
* Drag with the mouse to move the map.
* Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom the map.
* On the left side there are filters. You can click on the category names to unfold them.
* Map for over and underworld. (Thanks to for providing the maps)
* The Maps are loaded from and therefore will be uptodate most of the time.
*Hover over an icon with your mouse to get more information.
* Improvements: CheatMenu
* Attention, video makers! There is a new freecam and freeze time option. You can also enable these two options by hotkeys (standard for freeze time is F2, standard for freecam is F3)
* All cheats are working correctly now
* New cheat: InstaKill
* A new tab list to organize stuff.
* New weather control options.
* There is now the possibility to change certain parameters of the player an lock them. This way it is possible to just play without hunger or energy loss.
* A new ingame UI :)
* You can go through your past commands with the arrow keys in the console now.
* When you auto complete a parameter there is a whitespace added to the added parameter now.
* When there is only 1 auto completion value the list will not be displayed anymore.

Update 0.2.2 (Build 20151101):
* Updated the ModAPI for 0.26d
* Completly new GUI for the ModAPI to reduce filesize (The ModAPI is ~65% smaller now!)
* Fixed bugs in cheat menu:
* When you are diving now after you used fly mode you are no longer doomed to drown anymore. You can swim up again. :)
* When you change the speed you can swim faster now.
* When you hit a tree with instant tree it will be chopped down on the first hit.
* When you build something with instant build, the building will not be built 2 times anymore.
* The new standard key for the cheat menu (active for all new mod users) is F1.
* Fixed bugs in remove buildings:
* You are now able to remove nearly all player built objects.
* The raycast is now finding objects much better so you dont have to search for the sweet spot.
* Additions to the cheat menu
* You can configure a key for the new mass tree remover. The standard key is X. Press and hold the assigned key (X) and use your scroll wheel to determine how large the radius is. When you release the assigned key (X) all trees will be cut down within range. Go ahead, feel godlike!
* Are the caves a little too dark for you? Adjust the ambient light within caves easily from inside the cheat menu! Get some light in those nasty caves!
* New mod: Dev picker
This mod shows you which object (with collider) you are currently looking at. This helped me alot to fix the remove buildings mod :)
* New mod: Spawn command
Open the console (german keyboard ^ and english it should be ~) and type in "spawn " (with a space) and select the desired object and press enter ;)

The new version was presendet at the launch event and is now available for all of you to download on:

Current standard mods included:
* Cheatmenu (God mode, Flymode, Noclip, Instant Tree Chop, Instant Build / Creative Mod)
* Save Everywhere (Save your game with a simple press of a button)
* Remove Buildings (Remove any building with a simple tap of a button)
* Dev Picker (now very interesting for you guys)
* Map (Provided a map)
* SpawnCommand (Let you spawn nearly anything through the modapi console)

Enjoy the new possibilites. And there are many more mods to come, not just by me. Every modder is greatly welcome to join the Forest modding community. The documentation will be updated within the next few days.

As a changelog would exceed the maximum character limit of posts and I really can't point out all the things that have been changed (as nearly everything was rewritten) I won't post a changelog for this version.

Stay tuned for further update to come!
Last edited by PotatoePet; Jan 19, 2017 @ 3:28pm
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Showing 1-15 of 656 comments
PotatoePet Aug 20, 2014 @ 8:44am 
I can only guess and I guess no. But Templar seems interested in modifying his mod to be compatible with the Mod API. I will create some more mods when I have more time.

It's recommended to use the Mod API with an unmodded version of the game. When you try and it don't work and you still want to test the mods in the mod api, copy over a backup of the original files. The Mod API will ask you then if you've updated the game. Press "Yes", so the Mod API creates a new backup.
Last edited by PotatoePet; Aug 20, 2014 @ 8:50am
Wingmann Aug 20, 2014 @ 12:00pm 
Good work, the satellite map will be very useful thanks.
PROXIUS Aug 21, 2014 @ 2:04am 
I didn't understand anything from this part "To install a mod, just copy it in the “Mods” folder inside the folder of the Mod API."
PotatoePet Aug 21, 2014 @ 2:16am 
Currently there are no mods to install, because they are integrated already. But if anyone else create a mod and you download it, you have to copy it in the mods folder to be able to select it in the GUI.
PROXIUS Aug 21, 2014 @ 4:11am 
It doesn't work for me. When i click "start game" it frozes. Doing nothing.
PotatoePet Aug 21, 2014 @ 5:10am 
Did it ask you to enter your game path and you pressed cancel? Which buttons are activated? Is there a "ModLoader.log" file?
PROXIUS Aug 21, 2014 @ 5:36am 
yes i copy pasted the path of game. all butons are working. but when i click creatmodlb or start game, it's getting freeze with the screen of loading.. 0% And i don't see any modloader.log where it suppose to be?
PotatoePet Aug 21, 2014 @ 7:18am 
In the folder where the ModAPI.exe is. Hm. I know this error, but normally it only happens, when the Mod API can't find the game. Have you tried to open the program as an administrator? Maybe this can help.
PROXIUS Aug 21, 2014 @ 9:32am 
Sorry for the late respond. I just tried to run it as administrator but still the same. I don't need to place this mods folder into the forest game directory folder right? ModAPI stays on my desktop. In the first runing it asked me the path so i copy pasted that's all.
PotatoePet Aug 21, 2014 @ 7:39pm 
Have you extracted all content of the archive? I will add some logging in the next version to see what the problem is.
TemplarGFX Aug 21, 2014 @ 7:51pm 
I will be testing this out this weekend to try and move my mod over to it
Nice to hear, Templar.
PotatoePet Aug 21, 2014 @ 8:22pm 
Nice Templar :) If you have any problem, please contact me, so we can fix them.
PotatoePet Aug 24, 2014 @ 5:28am 
Currently working on a live graph view to increase modding speed:

And working on a reset trap function and remove building if possible ^^.

Making any progress?
Last edited by PotatoePet; Aug 24, 2014 @ 5:37am
PotatoePet Aug 24, 2014 @ 9:40am 
Currently working on a spawning component, so mods can spawn things :)
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Date Posted: Aug 20, 2014 @ 8:30am
Posts: 656