Nuclear Throne
random unavoidable deaths aren't fun
I won't complain about terrible spawns, because that's part of the game, but I feel these things in particular detract from my enjoyment of Nuclear Throne.

1. cursed ammo chests hidden under the lip of a wall

2. snowbots throwing cars at you from offscreen

3. sometimes not being able to deflect thrown cars with well-aimed weapons fire

4. (rare) hunter taking off and immediately (< 1 s) landing on your head
Dernière modification de Generic; 7 janv. 2017 à 8h15
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 7 sur 7
※Tapu Lele※ (banni(e)) 6 janv. 2017 à 18h36 
blowing self up
1) That's a problem with Generation. Probably fixed in NTT, but I don't know personally.

2) The range that a Snowbot will throw a car at you is approximately 120px (half the screen vertically). The only instances where they'd throw them at you off-screen is if you're aiming in the complete opposite direction, if you have a Melee weapon, or if you're just not paying attention.

Also, the timer for them to actually throw the car is stupidly high, which goes back to not paying attention/dawdling. Just kill them before they throw the car.

4) Pre-loop, he spawns after 10 seconds. Just keep moving.
Yung Venuz (banni(e)) 6 janv. 2017 à 19h51 
I've been playing for 740+ hours and these have never really been huge problems, the only huge problems I've ever really come across is the game sometimes crashing.
My only problem is perpetually running out of ammo. I think I need to avoid energy weapons like the plague when I play characters like Y.V and pray for rabbits foot.
I'm not talking about hunter's first landing. I'm talking about him taking off and immediately landing repeatedly, using your head as a trampoline. It's super rare but also really cheesy.
or the throne randomly spitting out 8 balls at you leading to insta death
Bad spawn points get me, especially near dogs in 7-1
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Posté le 6 janv. 2017 à 18h18
Messages : 7