The Chaos Engine

The Chaos Engine

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Eocene 4. sep. 2023 kl. 14.13
Very disappointing
I thought the SNES version was quite alright back in the day, and played some of the other versions as well.

So I picked it up on sale. Hey, it has a native Linux version.

... which doesn't work. No problem, I'll just play it via Proton then.

For a game that has the audacity to kill itself 'remastered' (the window title says so), not a whole lot of remastering was done here. It seems like they just wrapped an ADF in an emulator and added a bloom effect. And, despite being 500Mb in size now (instead of just, like, 2), it doesn't even come with the intro the CD32 version had.

Worst of all, the framerate is absolutely terrible. There is no excuse to not have this running at 60fps. It doesn't even target 30.

And that's not even getting into just how painfully outdated this particular style of topdown shooter has become. I hated it in the Pocky & Rocky remake, and I hate it even more here still - the lack of twinstick controls. You can't even shoot while walking.

The people who threw this on Steam as-is should be ashamed.