DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online

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A policy that potential buyers should be aware of.
I was just banned for 4 days from DCUO for attempting to "game" or "hack" the system. I was shocked by this because not only is it something I personally would not do, but it's something I would not even know how to go about doing.
My first thought was that this must be a misunderstanding and so I wrote back to ask for clearification as to what I did that would be considered gaming or hacking the system. Their response was that they could not tell me what it was I did to get banned because it would compromise their security.
I wrote back to them again saying that I was innocent and that I did not and would not try and take advantage of their system.They responded that they had evidence that without a doubt I was benefiting from an in game hack or exploit, but this evidence could not be shared with me because it might be used to improve my hacking methods.
Now I realize that no one reading this forum knows me personally and therefore has no way of knowing whether I am trustworthy or not. I am, but in a way that is a little beside the point. What I want to draw attention to is the fact that Sony can ban you for and incident, without telling you what that incident is or giving you any evidence that the incident took place at all.
I certainly might be in the vast minority, and most people who get banned might very well deseve it, but when you have done nothing wrong and you can not argue your case because they won't tell you what you supposedly did it is equally infuriating and eye opening.
Now I am overly familiar with MMOs and this policy might be par for the course, but it was news to me so I thought I would share it in case it might make anyone reconsider buying this game. I have cancelled my membership and deleted it from my hard drive.
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The same thing happened to a friend of mine. We still don't know exactly what he did to make the devs think he was hacking, though he's adamant that someone filed a false report on him, though. It's an extremely small number of people who've suffered from this, you're the second case I've heard of ever, but you're right, it's something to be aware of. And hey, raise enough noise about it, chances are they'll step back and really check if something is wrong with how they determine who is and is not hacking.
Ultima modifica da Oberon; 8 mag 2013, ore 22:05
macro's will get you banned btw. anything that makes you do things faster then the human hand is bannable.
Messaggio originale di /KoS/FuLLMeTaL:
macro's will get you banned btw. anything that makes you do things faster then the human hand is bannable.

My friend certainly wasn't using macros, though.
I wasn't either for what its worth
unfortunatly every mmo includes an EULA, so they can ban you at anytime they feel its necessary.

there are alot of "i didnt do anything" threads for banned players. steam wont do much, you'd have better luck continuing talks with soe. post on the dcuo official forums maybe?
Ultima modifica da FuLLMeTaL Toc; 9 mag 2013, ore 17:40
One thing I heard of is lag. Apparently, while lagging, if you continue to button-mash, (As people do during frantic situations) those commands will pile up, and then all activate at once. This so heavily resembles a speedhack that the cheat-detector can't tell the difference and reports you for it.

Just something I heard.
Ultima modifica da Oberon; 10 mag 2013, ore 13:49
They Tried to ban me at some point. Had to remind them how much funds they would have to return, and the fact that there was no reason for banging- it worked, and Im not banned.
Although, with the moderators in Sony, its hardly surprising with the quality of the job they are doing, they are Not just driving away their fan community, but shooting themselves in the foot- cause I could swear I saw the same cheater playing freely unpunished in Legends PVP, while one of my friends who doesnt know even how to hack Windows password was banned permanently (Yes, he DID invest into the game).
Eventually this policy Will get them into trouble, but sadly its been going on for quite a while now, I know several people who never used hacks/cheats and got banned.
Messaggio originale di victorzvyagin:
They Tried to ban me at some point. Had to remind them how much funds they would have to return, and the fact that there was no reason for banging- it worked, and Im not banned.
Although, with the moderators in Sony, its hardly surprising with the quality of the job they are doing, they are Not just driving away their fan community, but shooting themselves in the foot- cause I could swear I saw the same cheater playing freely unpunished in Legends PVP, while one of my friends who doesnt know even how to hack Windows password was banned permanently (Yes, he DID invest into the game).
Eventually this policy Will get them into trouble, but sadly its been going on for quite a while now, I know several people who never used hacks/cheats and got banned.

Actually they don't have to pay you back in the case of a banning.
Messaggio originale di Melvin, the Lord of Darkness:
Messaggio originale di victorzvyagin:
They Tried to ban me at some point. Had to remind them how much funds they would have to return, and the fact that there was no reason for banging- it worked, and Im not banned.
Although, with the moderators in Sony, its hardly surprising with the quality of the job they are doing, they are Not just driving away their fan community, but shooting themselves in the foot- cause I could swear I saw the same cheater playing freely unpunished in Legends PVP, while one of my friends who doesnt know even how to hack Windows password was banned permanently (Yes, he DID invest into the game).
Eventually this policy Will get them into trouble, but sadly its been going on for quite a while now, I know several people who never used hacks/cheats and got banned.

Actually they don't have to pay you back in the case of a banning.
Actually, they would if they didnt want a law suit on them.
Messaggio originale di victorzvyagin:
Messaggio originale di Melvin, the Lord of Darkness:

Actually they don't have to pay you back in the case of a banning.
Actually, they would if they didnt want a law suit on them.

You COULD start a lawsuit, but unless you could conclusively prove that you didn't break the EULA, you really don't have anything to fight with. You need a lot more than a simple "I didn't do it."

More than likely your unbanning was, like other banning, set on a timer, the end of which coincided with your refund demands, and was entirely unrelated.
Messaggio originale di Melvin, the Lord of Darkness:
Messaggio originale di victorzvyagin:
Actually, they would if they didnt want a law suit on them.

You COULD start a lawsuit, but unless you could conclusively prove that you didn't break the EULA, you really don't have anything to fight with. You need a lot more than a simple "I didn't do it."

More than likely your unbanning was, like other banning, set on a timer, the end of which coincided with your refund demands, and was entirely unrelated.
Theres a difference between "Unbanning" and "not being banned". You should try and learn that difference.

Oh , and please tell me where in the EULA does it say that SOE has a right to ban anyone without any reason whatsoever, and no explanation Given- paragraph, point. Waiting. I know what EULA does, I KNOW how it works, despite most people not even reading it once- made presentation about it a while ago.
Messaggio originale di victorzvyagin:
Messaggio originale di Melvin, the Lord of Darkness:

You COULD start a lawsuit, but unless you could conclusively prove that you didn't break the EULA, you really don't have anything to fight with. You need a lot more than a simple "I didn't do it."

More than likely your unbanning was, like other banning, set on a timer, the end of which coincided with your refund demands, and was entirely unrelated.
Theres a difference between "Unbanning" and "not being banned". You should try and learn that difference.

Oh , and please tell me where in the EULA does it say that SOE has a right to ban anyone without any reason whatsoever, and no explanation Given- paragraph, point. Waiting. I know what EULA does, I KNOW how it works, despite most people not even reading it once- made presentation about it a while ago.

Who says they didn't have a reason? You may have been falsely convicted but they had a reason. There are, right now, as we speak, truly innocent people sitting in prison for crimes they never committed, simply because they couldn't prove they didn't do it. Ever see Shawshank Redemption? Great movie, but the first five minutes or so are exactly this point.
Messaggio originale di Melvin, the Lord of Darkness:
Messaggio originale di victorzvyagin:
Theres a difference between "Unbanning" and "not being banned". You should try and learn that difference.

Oh , and please tell me where in the EULA does it say that SOE has a right to ban anyone without any reason whatsoever, and no explanation Given- paragraph, point. Waiting. I know what EULA does, I KNOW how it works, despite most people not even reading it once- made presentation about it a while ago.

Who says they didn't have a reason? You may have been falsely convicted but they had a reason. There are, right now, as we speak, truly innocent people sitting in prison for crimes they never committed, simply because they couldn't prove they didn't do it. Ever see Shawshank Redemption? Great movie, but the first five minutes or so are exactly this point.
So, You are calling a fake reason - a reason?
It's like calling the "fake money" money. The reason they ban people may be that they dont want those people ingame, or some people exploiting bugs- sure, but giving reason that they have used hacks when they have not- is a fake reason.
And Luckily, I did study computer laws - not all of them, but as I said, the ones regarding copyright, terms of usage, and digital authorship very carefully.
I can state for 100% that the reason is fake, if it means the person did not hack , even if it suspects he / she did.
And, no, I did not watch that film, I prefer books nowadays.
Messaggio originale di victorzvyagin:
Messaggio originale di Melvin, the Lord of Darkness:

Who says they didn't have a reason? You may have been falsely convicted but they had a reason. There are, right now, as we speak, truly innocent people sitting in prison for crimes they never committed, simply because they couldn't prove they didn't do it. Ever see Shawshank Redemption? Great movie, but the first five minutes or so are exactly this point.
So, You are calling a fake reason - a reason?
It's like calling the "fake money" money. The reason they ban people may be that they dont want those people ingame, or some people exploiting bugs- sure, but giving reason that they have used hacks when they have not- is a fake reason.
And Luckily, I did study computer laws - not all of them, but as I said, the ones regarding copyright, terms of usage, and digital authorship very carefully.
I can state for 100% that the reason is fake, if it means the person did not hack , even if it suspects he / she did.
And, no, I did not watch that film, I prefer books nowadays.

Point is, if you're suspected of committing a crime, and no one can prove you didn't do it, well, you're gonna get punished for something you didn't do. It's wrong and horrible, but it happens and there's often nothing anyone can do about it.

And seriously, watch the movie, it's easily one of the best films ever made.
Messaggio originale di Melvin, the Lord of Darkness:
Messaggio originale di victorzvyagin:
So, You are calling a fake reason - a reason?
It's like calling the "fake money" money. The reason they ban people may be that they dont want those people ingame, or some people exploiting bugs- sure, but giving reason that they have used hacks when they have not- is a fake reason.
And Luckily, I did study computer laws - not all of them, but as I said, the ones regarding copyright, terms of usage, and digital authorship very carefully.
I can state for 100% that the reason is fake, if it means the person did not hack , even if it suspects he / she did.
And, no, I did not watch that film, I prefer books nowadays.

Point is, if you're suspected of committing a crime, and no one can prove you didn't do it, well, you're gonna get punished for something you didn't do. It's wrong and horrible, but it happens and there's often nothing anyone can do about it.

And seriously, watch the movie, it's easily one of the best films ever made.
In this case- its actually SOE who is commiting a Crime, and there are lots of ppl (I saw them on Forums, official SOE forums, complaining) who can prove they DID do it.
Again, As I said, I never was banned Ingame- and rightfully so, cause I never hacked , just like many others who DID get banned, but just didnt know how to go about it.
And Yes, There is Plenty people can do about it, like make it public and make everyone aware of it at LEAST.
EDITED As a Matter of fact, someone DID make it public awareness- here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zynrglokjKg

And apparently this guy claims to have won the case or something like that.
Ultima modifica da victorzvyagin; 10 mag 2013, ore 16:48
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Data di pubblicazione: 8 mag 2013, ore 21:31
Messaggi: 22