Sorcerer King

Sorcerer King

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Horth Jan 25, 2016 @ 4:36am
City Size Alert - Game Breaking Bug
I built a city in a valley surrounded by mountains. There are only 5 tiles within a radius of 2 from the city center. When the city hit level 7, there were no more eligible tiles to select for growth. The game stopped and was not able to progress.

Therefore: always use a lower mountains spell, if you have it, in order to open up more eligible tiles before a city gets this issue.
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hrm I've had similar type issues with skills- when it wants me to select another skill but there aren't any more to select and hence I get locked in the screen and can't continue the game. I can usually beat the game before this happens, but sometimes it is fun to just mess around a bti after I know I can win.
Asteroff Jul 4, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
I just ran into this bug. Except i built on 5 block green patch in shadow lands and can't even cast lower mountians.
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