Goodbye Deponia

Goodbye Deponia

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Hi everyone, I've got an issue: when I called the guard via form I didn't take him to Cowboy Dodo. Now, I don't know how to send a new form, because I miss the letter Yrk and I don't know how to pass it from the first to the third Rufus
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There's a flyer in the cell that has the Yrk letter you're missing. Use that and then make another letter.

You also pass stuff to each other via the menu...once two Rufus's interact for the first time, it's unlocked.
Dernière modification de Hotel Security; 22 oct. 2021 à 7h16
Hotel Security a écrit :
There's a flyer in the cell that has the Yrk letter you're missing. Use that and then make another letter.

You also pass stuff to each other via the menu...once two Rufus's interact for the first time, it's unlocked.
Thank you, I'll try.
Hotel Security a écrit :
There's a flyer in the cell that has the Yrk letter you're missing. Use that and then make another letter.

You also pass stuff to each other via the menu...once two Rufus's interact for the first time, it's unlocked.
I can't interact with those two, in the cell there's no flyer and all I can ask is the screwdriver :(
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