

Is MP still alive?
Hi guys.

Does anyone still playing this game for MP?
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add me fi you wanna play some mp rounds
Bro-J Simpson の投稿を引用:
Hi is anyone willing to help me get the multiplayer achievements?
im down for some matches. need the achievements as well.
Add mee all!
arc 2017年7月29日 13時18分 
add me if anyone wanna playing some mp rounds or getting achievements (i need them too!)
i play it for mp
anyone wanna play castlestorm?
Fly 2017年9月16日 14時52分 
Necro post for achievements
Add me for Castle Storm y'all
so is MP alive, or not lol
No, in short
The game has around 8 people playing on average,according to steamcharts.
Also,if you have to add people to enjoy multiplayer,this speaks for itself.
Sounds like multiplayer is dead.
i need some achievements too
this MP is just koop or you play 1v1 your castle vs enemy castle?
It's 1v1 an enemy castle
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