Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments

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lacrimosa 7/out./2014 às 9:39
stuck becauce i forgot someting?
hi all,

i ame stuck, and i cant go back,, i looked to some youtube walktroughs, and i saw that i had to do an experiment with the harpoon, but how,, i did someting wrong, but dont known what,,i think it has someting to do with the deductions, but i dont know what,
< >
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RRevy 7/out./2014 às 10:12 
You can get new clues by making some new "deduction pionts".
Go to the Deduction and try to match clues. I think it was something with strenght to do the experiment with a harpoon... does Neligan have enough strenght to kill someone with harpoon? Or maybe you already have that clue, so try to speak with Watson.
lacrimosa 7/out./2014 às 10:17 
i have 2 unused clues, 1 pinned on the wall, and 2 the tabacco, they dont match. there is no more i can do..i try to talk to watson, he says to me, if i got a suspect,, but thats all, it ends with that deduction ends with 1 cell, that writes, both suspects are lying and working together.
RRevy 7/out./2014 às 10:27 
Oh, ok. I didn't even know that can happen. That makes the game even better.
Looks like you've missed some clues before, and the decision had been made. It is the end of the case with that solution you have. Seems like you need to make that decision or play again that case. It's the first case, so I advise you to do the second :)
lacrimosa 7/out./2014 às 10:32 
i had this feeling coming towards me, thxx! i wil do it over
Bloodartist 7/out./2014 às 12:53 
I suspect that feeling of "getting stuck" might be a result of
- not finding some clue
- missing some deduction chain that you actually have available.
- Not talking to some witness a second time. If you unlock some clue related to a witness you had already interrogated, you should probably talk to them a second time.

Notice that the deduction chains are direction-specific, ie, if you have two clues in deduction window, A -> B is different from B -> A. You should try both directions. Sometimes a new clue unlocks a second alternative interpretation in a deduction cell, which in turns unlocks more deductions. Since the game doesnt punish you for trying out in deduction window, you should find all possibilities eventually.
RRevy 7/out./2014 às 13:12 
I had a feeling, that Developers should've done some sort of short story tutorial at the beggining of the game, so you could learn the game engine and how all the things works, instead of learning them during the first case. A small investigation of Mrs. Hudson vanished... laundry, or something like that. =)

How'd the second try go, Lacrimosa? :)
Chris_S 7/out./2014 às 13:18 
go to the baker street and talk to watson, after that you can make the experiment
lacrimosa 7/out./2014 às 15:40 
it cost me lots of smoking and sleepy eyes, but i cleared the case.. but now that i ame aware of the fact that you could end op death, i will take more time to think before i use those cells and i go to sleep, and tomorow, i ame of to the second case;-) thxx rubyblue, your right, better i did the case over, but i hope its the last time,
RRevy 8/out./2014 às 1:50 
Hah, you better go and buy more "pipes", you might need them in the future cases ;D I know something about it.

Last two cases for me, which is quite sad, so yeah - no need to hurry :)
Good luck!
lacrimosa 8/out./2014 às 15:38 
i think i ame stuck, but i get the feeling i dont, becauce my cells are correct for what i known,,, my opinion,, that machien is stolen out of that train by the mexicans and caried away on a seperate thing on wheels, while the missing train in in the mine, and closed with dynamite. so they gone with the machien to what? the water? wel, i ame stuck now, no way to go, alltough, in my tasks, i still need to examine the doncaster place of clues, but i did them all, HELP!
lacrimosa 9/out./2014 às 2:17 
so it is,, you could end up nowhere and start all over the case again, well in that case, it;s making me pist.. and i dont do this case over again,, i have changed my cells, that the train was sunk in the water, ( watched on youtube), nothing happend,, i cant believe that if you make a wrong desision, you must do the case over, if it is indeed how it must play, i rather quite,,
RRevy 9/out./2014 às 3:49 
Looks like you "stuck" often, because you're missing evidences all the way.
Anyway, it's not really "a stuck". If you wouldn't check for the right solutions on the Internet, you would make a decision that you've come up with, and the game would go furhter to the next case. You might be wrong though - and that's the cool freedom about the game. :)
I haven't finished the game yet, but I think the ending will show, on how good detective you were, which is another great thing to me.
lacrimosa 9/out./2014 às 4:01 
i have the same deduction like someone i watch on youtube, he got exactly the same cells, but he is going to the gold big cell, i don,t.. there is someting not correct here,, i dont do this case over again, i did not mis any clue,, the only strange thing here is that i still have on task to do, and that is to look for suspicious clues at the doncaster,, but there are no clues nomore, done it, did it...what the ♥♥♥♥ is this anyway, good dedective ore bad one, they cant let players start all over again the case becauce of one stupid misplaced cell?,,
Chris_S 9/out./2014 às 5:21 
sure there are more clues. Just check all the rooms, you may have missed one! I also think: there are no game breaking bugs
lacrimosa 9/out./2014 às 6:06 
the last thing i did was talk to the mexican guy in doncaster (yesterday) , i asked his name, and he runs away,, since then (til now), i walk around like a lonesome guy with witson who is always standing in my way in small rooms., there are no more clues what so ever.. so if no one has clear information about this problem.. my conclution is a fact, that i need to do it all over again, just like case 1..and the biggest concern is, i known my conclution,, the mexicans stolen the machien in the special wagon, caried that on a little made wagon to transport it to the beach. and the train itself is driven into the water.. my first conclution was that the train was in the mines, and with explosives, they sealed the entrance. but that makes my cells all red. so, end of searching,,,for the second time, i need to do this all over?, thats not realy my way of gaming,,
< >
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Publicado em: 7/out./2014 às 9:39
Mensagens: 25