

Hamstertime Oct 13, 2023 @ 7:07pm
Bugs / Suggestions
I LOVE SPIELBAHN!!! :steamhappy: My friends and I are having such a blast with this game! We just have a few suggestions and bug findings to report:

- Racers can get launched up into the sky and get "stuck"; I had a racer get stuck for 20 minutes, even after restarting the game
- Sometimes the golden chicken egg machine will suck up coins, even if the magnet attached to it is off
- Sometimes racers get stuck on the coins, especially in tunnels

- A gallery of the racers you've collected!
- More explanation about racer levels/stats
- More racer names/the ability to name your racers
- More types of tracks! The split & join tracks are awesome but there need to be more variations of them; I often have to build my race courses around the limitations of the split/join tracks.
- An inventory for storing race track pieces; the player becomes overwhelmed with an abundance of tracks early on with nowhere to put them
- The number counter on the egg machines and the piggy bank are only visible from one side, I would love to see them floating above the models instead or placed somewhere for greater visibility
- More than 3 racers at a time -- I hate having to sell my little guys :,)
- Controller support settings - playing with a controller is possible, but I would love camera sensitivity settings
- A notification to show when the game saves, as clicking the save button seems to work but has no visual indicator to show that it's working
- Ability to press Esc key to bring up pause menu
- More music! Give me those funky little beats
- More sound effects! Some objects in the game are totally quiet

I cannot wait to see what more this game has to bring, I look forward to sharing it with more of my friends
Last edited by Hamstertime; Oct 13, 2023 @ 7:16pm
Date Posted: Oct 13, 2023 @ 7:07pm
Posts: 0