The Ship

The Ship

The ship won't open
This game worked last week and now it simply won't open, when i go to start it, it will open the ship window and instantly give me the blue windows loading circle and a minute later exits.
I have reinstalled the game
I have installed it to a different hard drive
I have forced it to open windowed mode with steam options
I've tried removing the ship related registry keys
I've done a fresh install of the GPU drivers

anyone help?
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I was having the same issue. I have a hunch on what the problem is, but have to do some testing. What is the screen ratio of the monitor your trying to play on?
I was able to get mine to launch with steam options "-windowed -w 1366 -h 768".

I don't think the game likes my 16:10 aspect ratio monitors.
I actually got my fix from a prior post from Mustache Cat. If you don't have a proper sound device enabled the game won't launch. I had moved my PC and it was trying to use the monitor speakers. As soon as I enabled my headset as default device the game loaded fine.
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