ARK: Survival Ascended

ARK: Survival Ascended

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SirMan Dec 20, 2024 @ 10:29am
Lost my server with my character on it
So i managed to find my character but wanted to put this out for other players that may be in a similar situation since there is not much help for this online.

easy way to find your lost character if it inst uploaded is by going to where ever you have your game stored and then going to saved games, should look something like this: A:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\SaveGames
Then right click the "MenuPlayerLocalData.arkprofile.sav" and open it up with notepad. when you are there you will see the list of servers you joined with the lower servers being more recent. At that point you just have to join the servers you think will be the most likely to have your character.
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You are a lifesaver! Thank you!
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