ARK: Survival Ascended

ARK: Survival Ascended

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Ronin Ghost Nov 26, 2023 @ 10:53am
Game Not Saving!
Dozens of hours invested and game simply will not save progress in Single player.
Game's integrated save function does not work.
Console command SaveWorld does not work.
Dying and respawning at bed does not force save.
Game is unplayable until progress can be saved.
Disgusting how Devs ignore this horrible issue when it is the working class adult gamers that keep them in business.
Who can afford to work all week and then lose the few hours of game time you have on the weekend or time off?
And it's been happening for days and devs are MIA on the issue.
Complete base builds unsaved.
several tamed level 150s unsaved.
12 plus hours from actual life gone.
Really disgusted with this developer.
Playing on Xbox, but posting here because Steam is where 99% of my games are played and you all are my actual community.

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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
smithlcg60 Nov 26, 2023 @ 11:10am 
They aren't ignoring the issue. Due to console requirements, they can't just upload new patches whenever they want regardless of it's status as alpha, beta, or early access. It has to pass certification, which can take anywhere from 3 days to a whole week... maybe even longer during weeks with national holidays.
FrostyLemons Nov 26, 2023 @ 11:16am 
Found your post trying to sort this out myself. On console, booted up, encountered issue, thought I accidentally started a new game, closed out to double check, restarted non dedicated (i began this way) and met with character creation. Tried rebooting on singleplayer, met with character creation. Tried deleting all local saves, booting up again, character creation. Map progress gone which made sense so w/e. Finished character creation and had a quick breakfast. Came back and tried to spawn, game crashed. Booted back up to do it all again, and ended up to my surprise loading back in to my last progress point 0_o. I don't know what to tell you, but your save is somehow still there if mine is. Series X. Fingers crossed for ya
Ronin Ghost Nov 26, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
Originally posted by smithlcg60:
They aren't ignoring the issue. Due to console requirements, they can't just upload new patches whenever they want regardless of it's status as alpha, beta, or early access. It has to pass certification, which can take anywhere from 3 days to a whole week... maybe even longer during weeks with national holidays.

Not fixing the issue over a holiday weekend is a weak excuse.
If anything, if a company has a product that they know will experience increased consumer usage due to the extended weekend then they should be more than ready to address "Game Breaking" issues.
However, even if we wanted to give them a pass on "Fixing" the issue during the holiday due to skeleton staff, there is still no excuse for a complete blackout in terms of communication.
Acknowledging the issue and communicating that they are aware and a fix is incoming during the week would go a long way with loyal fans.
I work in tech consulting and one thing is a cardinal sin, and that is ghosting your clients.
Doesn't matter if you are away with family in the Bahamas or on the moon. When a client has an issue you connect, communicate and reassure them that though you are indisposed, the issue is not ignored and will be handled with haste as soon as you are able to address it.
Then you deliver on your commitment.

The real problem here is the complete disregard for people's time.
75% of the gaming industry customer base is adult gamers.
The other 25% is supported by parents paying for their families gaming.

People cannot work 50-60 hours a week and then invest time in a leisure activity where progress is the assumption only to have it wiped with no recourse, or response from said provider.

It's just bad business and it is disgraceful how this company takes the customer loyalty and patronage for granted.

Dark_Master Nov 26, 2023 @ 6:05pm 
I've lost about 6 hours of progress, more then half of that is my total gametime. I must've hit the save button 30 times. It was on quick resume so the moment the game was closed I lost everything. Had the audacity to try again and make some progress because ARK's my favorite game, and I got it to work once out of the 6 times I experimented with it and I couldn't figure out how. The moment the game was saved also didn't save some of the things that were in my inventory at the time. And on top of all that, the lvl 145 wild ptera and all other nearby creatures I saved next to turned into, get this: level 1 creatures, which is supposed to be impossible. Absolutely atrocious. It's not just that they made the save system more unstable then ASE, but that they added a save button too just to add salt to the wound. How in the world does this pass certification? How can you say that singleplayer is ready, and that multiplayer is what needs tweaking? I'm reinstalling the game now, I'm gonna keep trying to get this to work consistently, I don't expect they will fix this soon as it's the holiday season.
Last edited by Dark_Master; Nov 26, 2023 @ 6:07pm
smithlcg60 Nov 26, 2023 @ 7:29pm 
Originally posted by Ronin Ghost:
Not fixing the issue over a holiday weekend is a weak excuse. If anything, if a company has a product that they know will experience increased consumer usage due to the extended weekend then they should be more than ready to address "Game Breaking" issues.
However, even if we wanted to give them a pass on "Fixing" the issue during the holiday due to skeleton staff, there is still no excuse for a complete blackout in terms of communication.
Acknowledging the issue and communicating that they are aware and a fix is incoming during the week would go a long way with loyal fans.
I work in tech consulting and one thing is a cardinal sin, and that is ghosting your clients.
Doesn't matter if you are away with family in the Bahamas or on the moon. When a client has an issue you connect, communicate and reassure them that though you are indisposed, the issue is not ignored and will be handled with haste as soon as you are able to address it.
Then you deliver on your commitment.

The real problem here is the complete disregard for people's time.
75% of the gaming industry customer base is adult gamers.
The other 25% is supported by parents paying for their families gaming.

People cannot work 50-60 hours a week and then invest time in a leisure activity where progress is the assumption only to have it wiped with no recourse, or response from said provider.

It's just bad business and it is disgraceful how this company takes the customer loyalty and patronage for granted.
How do you know they aren't aware of the issue?
Actually a quick google search showed that they are aware of it. But you're angry. I get it.

How do you know they don't have a fix for it going through certification right now in the hands of a completely different company?
I don't know either way, but I'm not going to demand that people who work 50-60 hours a week shouldn't spend time with their family over a holiday weekend because I can't find something else to do with my time until a proper fix comes along.

They've been very active with releasing patches for the steam version over the last month. Like I implied in my previous post, they can only release patches on Xbox as often as Xbox's certification process allows them to. I don't know how Xbox handles their holiday hours, but I imagine the fix is coming sometime soon.
Didas Dec 3, 2023 @ 1:37am 
I lost about 6 days of gameplay.
I also play on xbox and what I do is click SaveGame and the just turn off the console. Next time I play it just continues from where I left off on the island without loading in - I though pretty convenient.
Well today I lost all my progress, turns out game does not save when you click SaveGame.

Just refund guys, don't let this slide - It was pretty fun playing but I lost about 30 hours of gameplay, just unacceptable..
Ogie Ogilthorpe Dec 3, 2023 @ 2:15am 
If you are a console player, I should inform you coming to steam won't help. The devs use the survive the ark site for bug reports and updates.
jonman94 Dec 14, 2023 @ 1:25pm 
For those who did the 'Destroywilddinos' trick in order to save their game, has anyone else tested afterward if specific dinos are unable to spawn due to an asset loading error? I tried spawning in specific dinos as an experiment after some of mine disappeared and could not do so, only getting the message: "asset not loaded in memory."
snicklefrits Dec 15, 2023 @ 8:30am 
Originally posted by Ronin Ghost:
Dozens of hours invested and game simply will not save progress in Single player.
Game's integrated save function does not work.
Console command SaveWorld does not work.
Dying and respawning at bed does not force save.
Game is unplayable until progress can be saved.
Disgusting how Devs ignore this horrible issue when it is the working class adult gamers that keep them in business.
Who can afford to work all week and then lose the few hours of game time you have on the weekend or time off?
And it's been happening for days and devs are MIA on the issue.
Complete base builds unsaved.
several tamed level 150s unsaved.
12 plus hours from actual life gone.
Really disgusted with this developer.
Playing on Xbox, but posting here because Steam is where 99% of my games are played and you all are my actual community.

If on PS5, go to download to console storage and you can pull from the cloud to bring back a previous save. Worked for me anyways. Good luck.
haru Dec 15, 2023 @ 8:49am 
hey, guys, use a dedicated server for single player plays. I made one and it's really really good. It has automated backups with a restoration feature a few clicks away. It's free as well.

You can also join the discord for feature request and feedback, we have got some people using it so it should be go to go for you as well.
Last edited by haru; Dec 15, 2023 @ 8:49am
Sansire Jan 7 @ 5:52am 
Originally posted by Ronin Ghost:
Not fixing the issue over a holiday weekend is a weak excuse.

You have too much expectations, Ronin.
I wrote a powershell script that will at create backups of my save. It works on manual saves and when the game starts and stops. You still have to manually save to work around the bug, but at least if something stupid happens like failure to load mods you won't lose half of your work.
Chowder Jan 9 @ 7:06pm 
The same exact thing is happening to me on PC single player, quitting the game works but auto save is not working at all, and when it crashes I have to start from the beginning of the session.
I play solo and dont have Any of these Save Problems :) Manual save is good Try sometimes this features :D
Last edited by whiterspon; Jan 10 @ 8:31am
spoon Feb 24 @ 10:45pm 
Originally posted by smithlcg60:
They aren't ignoring the issue. Due to console requirements, they can't just upload new patches whenever they want regardless of it's status as alpha, beta, or early access. It has to pass certification, which can take anywhere from 3 days to a whole week... maybe even longer during weeks with national holidays.

Considering it's now 2024 and still not it a holiday YEAR or?

Sadly this is normal for this dev. Bugs from the original decade old game still aren't fixed. Someone should start a class action suit for all Ark games.
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Date Posted: Nov 26, 2023 @ 10:53am
Posts: 16