ARK: Survival Ascended

ARK: Survival Ascended

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Rhyniognatha carried vault disappear?
As title says; I've recently tamed a Rhyniognatha and wanted to deliver resources to a friend who is building a second base for our tribe. I decided to load up a vault with a lot of resources for her, picked up the vault and went to fly to the new location. At some point the vault just disappeared from the rhynio's legs but the game still thinks I'm carrying something so I'm not able to land but also cant place down the vault (even when there is a foundation. Game just doesn't recognize anything to be placed).
I've managed to find where it left the vault hanging in the sky and by picking it back up I was able to place it back at the first place I picked it up. But now the vault his at least doubled in size..

Anyone know if this is a bug or if there is a certain limited range for carrying objects?
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Foffli Nov 4, 2023 @ 12:26pm 
I am seeing the same bug, and in some cases just won't let me put the item carried down.
Kajael Nov 6, 2023 @ 7:17am 
I just encountered this same issue, backtracked my path and not finding my vault anywhere. :(
Drew Nov 6, 2023 @ 10:50am 
im encountering this same issue - ive found that I can make it roughly 500m then it glitches, if I fly back to where I picked up the vault it "reappears" in my rhynios claws.

I then try to place it and my rhynios movement gets super glitchy and I need to relog to place. Once placed and I land the game crashes without fail.

Buggy ass game
DESH Nov 6, 2023 @ 6:08pm 
yep similar issue. Rhyniognatha are bugged to all heck it feels like
Darkenix Nov 9, 2023 @ 1:24am 
done a little testing, seem to be about 750 meters from where you picked it up it bugs out
Drew Nov 9, 2023 @ 12:36pm 
anyone find a work around/solution?
Drew Nov 10, 2023 @ 1:27pm 
Maximon1 Nov 10, 2023 @ 2:45pm 
same issue
toxicprime Nov 10, 2023 @ 4:31pm 
My vault consistently disappears at about 1200meters. then it visibly comes back but larger as soon as i am within render distance of the pickup location. Need to relog to place it.

If i try setting it down before it goes invis, to kinda leap frog it across the map, it still gets all kinds of buggy until i put it down back in the area it was located.
PhNx_SQUALEREDTV Nov 11, 2023 @ 4:44am 
We had the same bug if your'e not playing alone one can take a quetz with a platformsaddle, The weight appears later so u can place and pick it up again as soon as the weight kicks in, do note I only testet it with a Large storage Box, after I Picked it up I could only place on the quetz again and not anywhere on the ground. Maybe it has something to do with the quetz being in the initial place of the storage box but I don't know
Drew Nov 13, 2023 @ 12:41pm 
Good thinking, sadly it wouldn't work with a vault or forge as you can't place them on platform saddles
Drew Nov 13, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
Question for anyone posting here, are you on non-dedicated, official, unofficial etc...

If either are they pvp or pve, im curious to know if this is isolated to certain servers.

I play on alliancegamingserver (unofficial, PvE)
Last edited by Drew; Nov 13, 2023 @ 12:45pm
Arapaima Nov 13, 2023 @ 11:26pm 
I am having the same issue and I play on a pve unofficial as well. My workaround was to stop every 600ish meters drop the vault, pick up the vault by hand, replace the vault, and throw everything back inside. A lot of work but still less than carrying everything with an argy or multiple trips with the rhynio.
Karma Nov 14, 2023 @ 12:16am 
its not a bug. its a feature.
JimmyTheSaint™ Nov 14, 2023 @ 12:26am 
Well this bug was in the original ARK and they never fixed it. I thought this was a remake that was supposed to fix the issues with the original game?
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Date Posted: Nov 3, 2023 @ 3:03pm
Posts: 21