Gun Monkeys

Gun Monkeys

Voir les stats:
 Ce sujet a été épinglé, cela doit être important
Tips for virgins
1// Check your settings, especially controls.
2// Play the tutorial, and make sure you're happy with your controls!
3// Go on a server.
4// Find a player who has similar stats to you (hover over their name).
5// Challenge them by clicking on them.
6// Have fun playing - you might lose a lot at first, but you'll improve quickly. Don't rage quit, you'll never improve and it's bad form.
7// Your priority is picking up cubes (by pressing DOWN on them) and returning them to your base. Two or three at a time gives you more points per cube. The primary benefit of killing the opponent is getting some alone time to gather up cubes.
8// The sparkly '?' crates are power-ups and can change the flow of a game, so pick them up if you can.
9// Bombs are very effective if you can afford the points and can guess where the opponent's going to be in about 3 seconds' time.
10// Remember to start buying perks as soon as you can afford it - you can buy as many as you want and have up to 4 active at any time. Choose ones that fit your playing style.
11// Chat with players in the lobby
12// Have fun, even when you're getting your bottom kicked - it happens to everyone!

Any more?
Dernière modification de TimeGentleman; 30 sept. 2013 à 1h15
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Special Weapons: generally better used at long-range, especially the Big Nuke. And the ZapZap take a moment for the projectile to form, so don't hammer away at the fire button, get a shot off every two seconds or so.
I've deleted a load of posts to keep the thread clean, but all your thanks are appreciated!
It was mentioned that the tutorial doesn't specify pressing DOWN to pick up cubes, but it does tell you lots of other stuff and also gives you a chance to get used to the controls. You can also play a local game on your own to get a bit of practice in before joining a server!

Any more tips?

Dernière modification de TimeGentleman; 18 juil. 2014 à 4h42
Well, I'm working on a guide for the game. So far, my strategy involves going beeline for powers, just to make sure the enemy doesn't. If you find yourself far ahead of the enemy and he's around 50 points, go hunt him down. If you both get killed, so be it. At least as you play the clock, you'll have more power than him, and the important bit is that as his power's draining, he's dead. He can't collect gems.
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