Might & Magic X - Legacy

Might & Magic X - Legacy

ljmiii Jun 10, 2021 @ 9:26am
Ubisoft MMX Servers down for good?
Apparently, Ubisoft's MMX Servers were turned off on June 1st. I first noticed this when the Fort Laegeaire quest didn't appear when I entered Karthal. Not thinking that much of it, I started a new game and noticed that the Crag Hack etc. relics were missing. It wasn't until Lev's dialog option to travel to the Elemental Forge was grayed out did I realize something was very, very wrong.

There is a workaround which I found courtesy of E-balsa. Make a backup before editing then
in \Might and Magic X Legacy\Might and Magic X\ Legacy_Data\StreamingAssets\Dialog\LevDialog.xml

Delete all four instances of:
<condition xsi:type="PrivilegeUnlockedCondition" privilegeID="1001" failState="DISABLED" />

Note that the bridge just south of Seahaven remains blocked, but you can travel by horse from Sorpigal to Seahaven. I don't know how to get back the bonus content...but being able to play the game past the 1st act is a major improvement.
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Showing 1-15 of 121 comments
frognik Jun 12, 2021 @ 5:41am 
I guess I won't be installing this game again...
I never really liked this game much when I first got it, didn't even get past the first act, but recently I thought about giving it another go.
So you can't finish the game now?
ljmiii Jun 12, 2021 @ 11:34am 
Originally posted by frognik:
I guess I won't be installing this game again...
So you can't finish the game now?
Well yes, you can finish the game using the workaround I described. You just can't access the bonus content.

At least to my knowledge. Once I'm about to 'finish' my current game, I'll look around to see if/how I can go to Fort Laegeaire.
Sonlir Jun 13, 2021 @ 7:01am 
Well The DLC is grayed out in the extras tab and marked down as "Not yet redeemed."
So my guess is that it's most likely dead in the water along with meow dungeon.

They screwed up with that server shutdown big time.
Last edited by Sonlir; Jun 13, 2021 @ 7:02am
mOnocularJohn Jun 13, 2021 @ 1:29pm 
Wow, they should have to legally enable all content with a patch or refund everybody's full game price. I never got around to playing until now and now it won't work properly. This is theft.
wefuntw Jun 13, 2021 @ 11:51pm 
has anyone reflected to steam customer service? what ubisoft doing is illegal.
Crispy™ Jun 14, 2021 @ 6:06pm 
Exactly which content is supposed to be missing due to this? Because my game, which still seems to log in to Ubisoft Connect perfectly, still has the Meow quest listed (although I have yet to find the location), and all of my artifacts are still present and working, including Crag Hack's Helmet.

Should I try to confirm? Tell me what to look for.
sirchaunce Jun 14, 2021 @ 9:50pm 
What a bummer, I only played after all patches and dlc were out, and this game is my by far favorite old school RPG. I hope someone makes something better.
handerwayne Jun 15, 2021 @ 5:20am 
has anyone reflected to steam customer service? what ubisoft doing is illegal.

I think they even don't know that not only the bonus content is now unavailable, but you also cannot progress past Act I, which means you can play only the first 1/4th part of the full game.
Dreaming Prince Jun 15, 2021 @ 4:43pm 
anyone expect something else from nubisoft?
frognik Jun 15, 2021 @ 7:52pm 
I'll try for a refund, since I live in Australia it's highly likely, but I'll add full details why if possible and that might get things into gear.
It's funny that I got M&M6 for free when buying this game and I have 100's of hours on it but barely any on MMX.
RLeeErmey Jun 16, 2021 @ 7:04pm 
Out of curiosity - does this still require the ubi launcher to run?
ljmiii Jun 18, 2021 @ 10:15am 
Originally posted by Crispy™:
Exactly which content is supposed to be missing due to this? Because my game, which still seems to log in to Ubisoft Connect perfectly, still has the Meow quest listed (although I have yet to find the location), and all of my artifacts are still present and working, including Crag Hack's Helmet.

Should I try to confirm? Tell me what to look for.
I was in the middle of a game when the servers went down and I retained the use of the relics. It was only when I went back to Karthal expecting to go to Fort Laegeaire that I noticed something was amiss. I had already finished the Meow quest so I cannot speak to that.

It's easy to test - just start a new game. The artifacts no longer appear (at least for me). And the Meow quest is no longer offered when you speak to her.
MegaMind Jun 18, 2021 @ 11:19am 
I have 4,500+ hours playing this game, and I started in EA and helped them test it. To drop content that I PAID FOR for whatever reason should be illegal.

If they want to stop bug fixes, fine, Send me a CD with the final game and all of the content I acquired and I can play without Ubisoft.

FYI, one of my favorite battles in this game was destroying the Ubimancer in the final dungeon. 1M hitpoints and it was fun!
MegaMind Jun 18, 2021 @ 6:56pm 
After digging through the Ubisoft website, I found this document...


it starts with:
"With new Ubisoft titles appearing every year, we are faced with the decision to retire the services of our legacy titles."

The relevant paragraph concerns ULC.
"ULC (unlockable content) such as maps and skins will also be disabled, meaning that you will no longer be able to unlock them."

I assume that since entry to Act 2 and Fort Laegeaire require a change to the standard function of the game (removing the guard on the bridge to Seahaven and getting arrested when entering Karthal) that these changes were implemented as ULC.

The workaround detailed earlier on this thread then is the only way we can get past Act 1, and we can't get arrested and sent to Fort Laegeaire, unless we can convince Ubisoft to change these events to in game flags rather than ULC.

Morthion Jun 19, 2021 @ 1:14pm 
In addition to the above, to make the bridge passable from the start of a new game, go into
StreamingAssets/Maps/theworld.xml and look for:

<Slot Height="6.13505" Terrain="BLOCKED" TerrainSound="NONE" MapArea="ASHEN_HILLS">

Change "BLOCKED" to "PASSABLE" and you'll be able to walk through the wagon, with the added advantage of being able to get Expert in skills like Shield or Spear without having to go through all of Act One.

(Tested this quickly once, but if it worked once with a new game, it should work every time.)
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