Legend of Dungeon

Legend of Dungeon

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new textures and bump mapping on floors and walls??
i haven't played legend of dungeon for a while now, i´'m not sure if i played the last version or if it was the update before that. the first thing i noticed when i started up the game today was that the textures and bump mapping on the floor and walls are different, it almost looks worse than it did before, at least in my opinion. i even looked it up on youtube to see if it was just on my end and it wasnt but i cant find anyone else posting about it so i'm not sure if its just me who thinks it looks worse but please, if you have noticed it just let me know. and for the devs, i really hope this is a temporary change or something you'll improve.

other than that i'm loving the game, always have and probably always will. i love that you keep updating it and adding kool stuff.
< >
18 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Rabbit  [geliştirici] 5 May 2014 @ 15:59 
Try going down a few floors and tell me what you think :)
It's a change in Version Unicorn that I think you'll like once you see what we've done.:robotloveskitty:
Hey guys, some constructive criticism here.
I'm an immense and longtime fan/supporter. Thank you again for the wonderful replayability of this charming game.
However, the 'new' and different shades/textures on the walls and floors of this version are extremely distracting and sloppy looking. I even quit the game earlier than I wanted because these additions are just too much. I really don't think the 'textures' belong in such a high quality game :{
En son KingGraham'sPixelatedShoe tarafından düzenlendi; 7 May 2014 @ 21:09
I liked them... :c
İlk olarak KingGraham'sPixelatedShoe tarafından gönderildi:
Hey guys, some constructive criticism here.
I'm an immense and longtime fan/supporter. Thank you again for the wonderful replayability of this charming game.
However, the 'new' and different shades/textures on the walls and floors of this version are extremely distracting and sloppy looking. I even quit the game earlier than I wanted because these additions are just too much. I really don't think the 'textures' belong in such a high quality game :{
i agree with you, i actually turned off the game myself when i came down to the walls with gray texture instead of green. and even if i like that there now are some variation in the textures i really do think they look sloppier and alot worse. you can hardly notice that the bump mapping is bump mapping compared to before.

İlk olarak Cap'n Robot tarafından gönderildi:
Try going down a few floors and tell me what you think :)
It's a change in Version Unicorn that I think you'll like once you see what we've done.:robotloveskitty:
i'm gonna play some more tomorrow to check out a few floors down, like i said earlier in this post, i reached the gray textures on the walls and turned off the game, it felt distracting. i really think that you should keep the variation and not just green but it looked alot better before. now it looks like you've taken a 3d rendered wall and drew some with the gray color on it in windows paint.
and please don't take this the wrong way because i really really love your game and i dont mean to take a crap all over your work but i felt for the first time like i had to say something about it.
i think that all you need to do is make it a little bit higher resolution or something because even though the old green textures on the walls were low res they were still higher res then they are now, or atleast looks like it.
i also mentioned this previously, the bump mapping in this version barely looks like bump mapping anymore.

i dont want you guys to remove all your great work, just that you maybe should give it a touch up
En son JimZiii tarafından düzenlendi; 7 May 2014 @ 21:51
I have to agree,booted it up for the first time in a while and damn what have the dev done.
He needs to revert it back imo.
Yeah, I turned off the game, too. It was one of my favorite games! Maybe the devs can change the color of cats throughout levels, that I wouldn't mind and would in fact welcome. Or change the colors of boxes, perhaps. But with the walls and floors as they are, sadly, I won't play it now :(
i'll definitely still play the game and i dont see any problem with cats,boxes or anything else. i just hope that the devs listen to what we say and not just brush it off because we're not the majority of the player base.
Rabbit  [geliştirici] 8 May 2014 @ 20:57 
I'll probably be messing with them again in the next version, there are a few sets that could use some improvement... but for the most part I really like the new textures. Sorry its not to your liking, but I do feel it adds a nice sense of progression.

Even if we don't agree with the feedback, we really do appreciate it, and consider it. The community has been heavily involved with making LoD the amazing game it currently is. :robotloveskitty:
İlk olarak Cap'n Robot tarafından gönderildi:
I'll probably be messing with them again in the next version, there are a few sets that could use some improvement... but for the most part I really like the new textures. Sorry its not to your liking, but I do feel it adds a nice sense of progression.

Even if we don't agree with the feedback, we really do appreciate it, and consider it. The community has been heavily involved with making LoD the amazing game it currently is. :robotloveskitty:
i never meant that you should scrap them altogether, all i said was that they need improvement and that i like the variation. but the bump mapping doesnt look as good as it did before and the quality of the textures on the walls and floors doesnt look as good as they did before either. variation is good but not when i looks worse. so if you can get these new colors, especially the gray one on level 4 i believe to the same quality the textures and bump mapping was before i'll be a happy camper. thats all i want :) the game can look just as good as it did before with the new colors and variation through progression but right now it doesnt thats all i meant.

i just finished another run. i dont know what happened, i came down to level 7 or 8 and there were no enemies. i walked through most of the rooms and no enemies at all and then all of a sudden a zombie came through a door and bit me so i died when i had 80 somthing in hp :) but since this was the first time i got that far down on this version i noticed that on some level there some doors looked like they had the first tint already even though i just entered the floor. there were 3 doors, 2 or them looked like i've gone through them and the 3 didnt and i had them all on screen at the same time,

i've been having some issues with the door tint. the first level of tint is so faint that i sometimes dont see that i've been through a door and have to go in, go out and go in again to be sure that i've been through that door. and i've also thought that some doors i havent been through have looked like i've been through them but today was the first time with those 3 doors that i'm really 100% that they were tinted without being used.
my fix for this would be to make the first level of the tint a bit more visible. not much though.
even though i dont like it either i still think that its their choice to change the art style based on our opinions. and if they listened to everyone the game would end up a strange mix of crazy ideas and probably most of them bad.

this is not meant as disrespect but i find it highly unlikely that you get headaches because the previously green smudges in the background now are gray and blue. but thats just what i think, i'm not saying you're not getting headaches just that the reason behind it sounds strange. and if you really are getting headaches and that really is the reason then what does it matter what i think, i'm just some dude on the internet :)
Had another go with these 'new' textures and while I dislike them, my criticism isn't as strong. The first time seeing these jarred me but while they continue looking half-finished, I appreciate your continual work on this game while striving to satisfy your vision against us on the boards. Looking forward to the next set of updates! :D
I also miss the old bump mapping, very much.

When I first started playing this game, I couldn't get bump mapping working at all, but didn't see the big deal. Then after a driver update it started working, and it was like going FROM NIGHT TO DAY! ;)

Now I feel I've lost that again. I thought it was broken. I spent a while trying to "fix" it before I checked here.

Pretty please, can we have an option to run it in the old style? I put a lot of hours into this game, I'd like to enjoy it as much as I once did.
but sadly its been almost a year since someone posted before you so i highly doubt they'll add it back in. to be honest i even stopped playing after the patch that removed the bump mapping and changed the looks of the dungeon walls. i didn't like how it looked at all.

EDT: i also want to add that since i haven't played it in a long time i don't really know how they've changed or if they've changed at all. last time i played it clearly looked half finished
En son JimZiii tarafından düzenlendi; 28 Nis 2015 @ 5:37
Rabbit  [geliştirici] 28 Nis 2015 @ 7:43 
This thread isn't about bump mapping, we changed the textures per floor to make the dungeon dive more interesting. The dungeon has always been bump mapped, still is :)

If you post a screenshot I can take a look and maybe see what's different?
hmm to me its a great improvement visually. Me too stop playing at unicon version. When i start the latest version recently. it look fantastic.

edit* ok i start the game and looked at the background and wall texture and notice the difference between the older versions. The previous was more solid stronger texture everywhere. the new one is lighter.

Nothing distracting for graphics and quite smooth progression and gameplay.

What i wanted to suggest is the cats with laser and cyclop's eye. Make the laser sharp laser light with contrast and brighter. The laser feels not laser-ish enough.
En son bun tarafından düzenlendi; 28 Nis 2015 @ 8:16
< >
18 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 5 May 2014 @ 8:52
İleti: 18