UFO: Afterlight

UFO: Afterlight

Weird bug showing green tiles in tactical view
At one point these green tiles started showing up in my tactical view. I tried changing my graphics settings, but nothing helped. They look like trigger areas to me, but are incredibly annoying, especially since they are on top of everything.

Have you guys got any idea how to get rid of these?

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Haven't played this in so many years, hard to recall exactly. However ....

I think this is in part of the early game, the tutorial. At that time the group has to get somewhere in the base for a particular reason. The tutorial tells you why. It might be to detect something or for two different groups to find something, probably it is a missing something or other, and then that continues the tutorial story forward.

I do remember it happening. You have to read and listen to everything in the tutorial. It might be the corpse of the missing guy in the early part of the tutorial. There is also a point where you had to search the base and then find something and then return to a particular part of the base to either analyze it or collect together or turn something on. I don't remember what, but the green areas mean something.

Otherwise, in the UFO series, the green areas usually represented the objective points or the entry/exit areas to a level. I'm pretty sure you must be in the first couple of hours in the game. Don't forget you can change the view to see each level of terrain or all at once, if that helps any.

Sorry that I don't remember what it meant. But it does mean something. It isn't a bug per my memory. But I haven't played the game for years. There should be a good walkthru somewhere, probably on gamefaqs.com

The base could not, perhaps, be reactivated except if you brought a part somewhere, the green areas might represent the possible somewhere's or possible view locations or activation areas ... again to vague, but that's all I got. Start over from scratch and listen and read the whole tutorial.
Laatst bewerkt door DedZedNub; 28 mrt 2014 om 17:44
Thanks for the response. I didn't think much of it when I saw it in the tutorial, but it stuck around for the entire duration of the game. I'm 30h+ in, still there.

In the screenshot above, the green area on the right is my spawn zone, the others seem to be enemy spawn points.

I tried finding a setting that might affect this, none so far.
FIXED IT! this happened to me too. it's NOTHING to do with tutorials, and i have no clue how it happened, i was playing and i was happy, very far into the game, and this, exactly the same as your screenshot, appeared. and it was on every save on that profile!

go to "\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\UFO Afterlight\Profiles\<your main menu profile's name>" in windows explorer. it should be on your c drive, wherever steam keeps your games. then go to Options.cfg - open it with notepad, unless you use notepad++, notepad is preferred over wordpad or office or something.

Inside Options.cfg, search for the value of ("showAreas" BOOL) - and i'm assuming it'll be TRUE after 'bool' - replace this with FALSE.

then, enjoy a lack of horrid green squares!
even better, i found out i toggled this 'function' when i was using 'left alt' to talk to my friends in mumble-voicechat, as a 'push to speak' button.

if you press left alt plus i THINK it's A, it should deactivate it.

if not, try alt+D.

i was toggling it while holding push to speak and also using 'w,a,s,d' instead of up,left,down,right' lol
Hurray, that did it. I changed showAreas and now they're gone. Thanks!
The key is alt+A. It shows or hides the starting and exit areas.
there's these horrid tile areas that occur with one of those alt hotkeys, tho - i kept toggling it while i was using leftAlt as push to talk in MumbleChat. It takes over the entire map, showing all traversable terrain or something. Either pressing the hotkey again, or doing the option.cfg thing fixes it.
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