Expeditions: Conquistador

Expeditions: Conquistador

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quest: sacrifice
It is possible that your captured team member survive the quest? I tried every dialog option, but it don't seems possible, she dies always by esteban in first dialog. After that the quest is marked as "failed". Where is the sense in a quest you can't success?
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dont choose the rush option, confront him and discuss with him , i chose the "i came here to tame this island" option.

I spared a few members of his army before, maybe this has an effect?
And if you have difficulties with english, in fact she is either killed(if oyu rush) or severely injured, which mean you wiill be able to heal her after the fight
I didn't even know she could die in the quest. (That is, if you make it to the ritual site)

I always choose "for fame and glory" and my kidnapped crewmember survives. So it's not so rigid as having to choose "I came here to tame this island."

From the sounds of it, it seems as though the primary thing is to just keep talking to him until the kidnapped crewmate attempts to free themself.

Addendum: If they survive they will be critically injured. So definately have some medicine and a doctor ready or else they will die after quest completion within a few days.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on IlluminaZero; 22.6.2013 klo 18.23
i know im a bit late but i noticed something:

going through the different dialogue options, Esteban will either

1. thrusts his sword through your soldiers chest, KILLING her


2. slash with his sword at your soldier, penetrating his uniform and WOUNDING her

Up to that point i dont think i´ve spared any of Estebans soldiers so i dont think it has anything to do with that, and its just the part where he asks you why you came here. (For me the Soldier lived when i answered to "tame this land".)
Yes, it depends on the dialogue items, but I can't recall the survival choice. I suggest saving before and after until you get it right. But maybe Mewel has moved on in 4 1/2 years ...
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