Expeditions: Conquistador

Expeditions: Conquistador

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Can't re-enter El Dorado
I opened the gates to El Dorado a while ago, but left the city with the intent on coming back later. I have just returned, and am unable to proceed through gates even though they are open. Is there some way to fix this?
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Having the same problem
Sorry, it's a bug we've had for a while. It's oddly inconsistent.

You may be able to fix it by saving and loading the game. If that doesn't work, I apologise for the inconvenience, but you'll have to use a console command to teleport past the gates. Press Backspace to bring up the console, type "devmode" and press Return, put your cursor on the other side of the gate, and press T to teleport to where your cursor is. You can deactivate devmode by executing the same command again afterwards.
Dernière modification de Jonas; 28 mars 2014 à 5h12
That's fine, I'll just do that :).

This is a great game by the way, please make more like it! The narrative is excelent, great storytelling and I love how you've incorporated the myths and legends of the time to put accross that sense of excitement and mystery which people must have felt then. I also like how you weren't too kind to Europeans, showing the suffering caused by things like smallpox and cultural assimilation. Also, thanks for porting to Linux :) I hope it wasn't too difficult. Great work!

If you ever make a similar game with the US expansion into the west or the conquest of the Incas (or one where roles are reversed and you play an indegenous people defending against European invasion) then you have my money! Even just a DLC for this game with a new campaign would be great.
Thank you for your kind words : )
Hi there.

I had the same problem. I'll give it a try.

Will this bug be fixed in an upcoming update?
Dernière modification de Not Quite Dead; 30 juin 2014 à 15h18
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Posté le 27 févr. 2014 à 0h07
Messages : 5