Bingo Pinball Gameroom

Bingo Pinball Gameroom

In game store not working.
I've been trying to buy the complete collection, but when I go to the store and click on the bundle, I get the price tag graphic with the little window showing all the tables, but I don't get a green button to allow me to purchase it. I tried purchasing a single table, and it did show a pink dot on the icon and a pink 1 on the register but when I clicked on the register, it wouldn't activate. So, I guess it keeps me good, since I can't spend money on the game. But, I figured I'd let you know.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
mail  [developer] May 12 @ 6:29am 
Dear customer,

If you're on Windows 10/11: click on the 'Shop' button (bottom right, next to the 'Shopping Cart' button). Under table 'Bundles' on the left double click on 'All Bundles in the Collection'. This will lead you to the Steam Shop, with the Bundle selected. From there it's like any regular purchase: click 'Add to Cart' etc.

Best regards,
Joop Riem
Firstly, there is no "All bundles in the collection" option, there is an "All tables in the collection" option, but when I double-click it, all I get is the price tag graphic pop up at the bottom of the Shop screen, showing the tables in the bundle, and the price for the bundle, but no option to buy it. So, now what?
mail  [developer] May 14 @ 5:50am 
If the 'Add to Cart' button is not visible in the Steam Shop after double-clicking the Bundle in Bingo Pinball Gameroom, this could only be due to the Steam Shop itself. In any case, something that is beyond our reach as developers.
Does this only happen with 'All tables in Collection' or is the 'Add to Cart' button also not shown with other Bundles? And do you perhaps also have this problem with other publishers?
We would of course like to help solve this problem. It would be best if you contacted Steam yourself, but we could do that ourselves too. In that case we need two things: the six character code that appears at the top right of the Bingo Pinball Gameroom screen, and a screenshot of the Steam Shop page as it is shown to you.
It is best to use the menu item 'Report bug / Feedback for Gameroom' in Bingo Pinball Gameroom.

Yours faithfully,
Joop Riem
Okay, I'll contact Steam and see what they say. I'll let you know what they say.
Well, contacting Steam was useless, as they just keep telling me to get in touch with the developer, which is you. Also, you tell people to contact you through the program, but when you click Help, there is no option to get help/send feedback, as it just takes you to the help page for the program on your website, ( with no option to contact anyone. So, might I suggest you add the bundles to the actual Steam store, instead of trying to do it through your program? I know you've said you can't, but other devs have figured out how to do it, so it IS doable. Check Zaccarria pinball's store page, and you'll see that it works just fine.

So, when you get the bundles working, either through your program, or through the actual Steam store, let me know, and maybe I'll still have the money to buy the bundle then.
mail  [developer] May 15 @ 10:07pm 
Sorry for all the inconvenience, which should actually not be necessary at all.

Bundles can also be accessed directly in the Steam Store by searching for the correct name, in this case 'All Tables in Collection'.

'Report bug / Feedback for Gameroom' is a separate menu item in Bingo Pinball Gameroom (2nd line), so not under Help. I hope you don't need it anymore.

Searching for available bundles on a Steam Store page isn't straightforward. What I'm missing for example, is a large 'View Bundles' button.
I think they can only be found by entering the exact name as a search query. The in-game store in Gameroom is merely a tool to quickly get to the correct Steam Store page.

Best regards,
Joop Riem
Last edited by mail; May 15 @ 10:09pm
Okay, well, searching for "Bingo Pinball Gameroom" did bring up all the DLC, including the bundles. Of course, this would've been far less complicated if you just put the bundles on the DLC page, instead of having to go through all this bother. But, I did buy the All Tables bundle, and once I get a chance to check out enough to make an informed review, I'll add info on how to find the bundle to my review to hopefully make it easier for others to find the bundles. But, really, you should add them to the DLC page, if you expect people to actually buy them.
mail  [developer] May 24 @ 6:14pm 
Adding bundles to the store page of a free app like Bingo Pinball Gameroom turned out not to be that simple. Manual intervention by the Steam team proved necessary. Now a bunch are visible. Thank you for pushing me to resolve this.
Glad I could help motivate you, and I hope it winds up helping someone else. Of course, you still might want to talk to the folks at Zaccaria pinball, as there's not a lot of folks keeping the older tables alive, so who knows, maybe you folks could collaborate or something. I don't know if Zaccaria ever did bingo style tables, but if they did maybe you could bring them into the gameroom as well.
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