Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

The Khan Of Dreams 2013 年 8 月 18 日 上午 8:42
Changing my nations religion?
Is it possible to convert my countries religion? Like if I wanted to change Japan from Shinto to Catholic?
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目前顯示第 1-5 則留言,共 5
Melons 2013 年 8 月 18 日 上午 10:26 
I'm pretty sure you first of all need at least one province (more than 50% of your provinces is advisable due to penalties from religious disunity) of a religion. Then you can go to the religion tab on your nation's interface and one of the buttons there will change religion. If you do swap religion definitely make sure you convert the other provinces you have or you will have rebel zealots springing up all over in non-state religion regions.
Kagemin 2013 年 8 月 18 日 上午 10:30 
I think it's possible to change religion through peace deals (pick a fight with someone having the religion you want, and then offer "Force Religion" as tribute), but as far as I know that only works for heresies of the religion you have (Shia to Sunni, Protestant to Catholic, Hindu to Buddhism* and so on).

If you want to change to a completely different religon you could wait for some religious zealouts (a kind of rebels) to show up and give in to your demands, they usually want you to convert. Problem is getting those in the first place...

I think once the western powers start showing up in Japan there's a chance of Japan's provinces converting to Catholic. I don't know if there's an event where you can change the state religion too, but it's a start.

*Yeah, Confucianism, Hindusim, Buddhism, and Shinto are considered heresies of one another in EU4...
Harper 2013 年 8 月 18 日 下午 7:55 
Each religion has a list of other religions it can convert to in the 00_religion.txt file (EU4/common/religion). Shinto has no religions it can convert to (in fact, most religions don't). So as far as I know, the only way to convert would be by event or decision.
GrandAdmiral Thrawn 2018 年 1 月 7 日 上午 3:12 
You can change your countries religion via the Console Command Tab. First of all, you have to activate the debug mode (open console command by entering ^, enter debug_mode, hover with your mouse over one of your countries provinces, look for the countries number (for Mamelucks #277), enter the following: change_religion (your country id for example #277) (name of your religion for example Coptic)

Hope i could help you :)


Dwight Parker
Omniconda 2018 年 1 月 7 日 上午 4:59 
Shinto to catholic,

1) happens by event for Japan - once you meet europeans events will happen that will lead to embracing catholisim or staying Shinto

2) Forced have a catholic province let them force zelots and have them convert 50% of your provinces plus capital then accept their demands* (dont let them enforce demands) also unseige as much as possible before accepting to limit automomy penaltys
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張貼日期: 2013 年 8 月 18 日 上午 8:42
回覆: 5