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tom147 2 maja 2014 o 21:53
Industry sucks?
Im into my 3rd playthru. Ive managed to move up to normal difficulty and having few problems, Ive noticed tho that industry sucks big time compared to pleasure , no matter what the size of planet or resources. eg. one of my current systems has a small planet with poor recources earning 2,4 bill/turn while a large planet with abundant resources is earning 34 mill/turn with better factories than the small planets pleasure dome .All my systems seem the same . The factorys return squat while spending small on pleasure domes pays off big. Even planets with diamonds dont pay off as well as a pleasure dome. I try to research anything regarding industrial but not much difference compared to pleasure stuff, Am I missing something?????
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S-P 3 maja 2014 o 1:00 
Industry is really only used to build ships, the biggest profits come from trade and entertainment. Also the race you play can have an impact on income. I tend to only build industry on abundant and rich planets just to make my ships, I then use the poor planets as either research or profit making.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: S-P; 3 maja 2014 o 1:02
Avalanche 3 maja 2014 o 4:10 
i never bother building industry, its a waste of personnel, i just have science, trade and entertainment buildings...the rest, i just don't bother.

But then i always cheat with the money, so that probably wouldn't work for you.
S-P 3 maja 2014 o 9:57 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Jamie:
i never bother building industry, its a waste of personnel, i just have science, trade and entertainment buildings...the rest, i just don't bother.

But then i always cheat with the money, so that probably wouldn't work for you.

So you don't build ships?
tom147 3 maja 2014 o 16:49 
Ahh I see this game is not thought out too well then. Too bad as this game could be good with a bit of work. havent really heard squat frrom the devs lately. Too bad they couldnt finish this game properly, but most early acess games seem to go that way. Id like to see some space ranger type humor also.
Wenla 4 maja 2014 o 5:48 
I haven't (so far) found any logical reason why industry income varies so much (size, planet type, rich/poor, amount of population etc etc).

With my all earlier games entertainment brought me most of incomes, but my latest (still going) game (normal difficulty) industry brings me most of all incomes. Don't ask me why...
Wenla 4 maja 2014 o 8:43 
My own guess (=speculation) why I earn currently most from industry:

I like to play long games, so my current is in year 2460 (normal, largest galaxy map, all races, all races known, war with all races, no more science needed). Farming and industry 'consumes' population, so currently my consumption is 10% farming and 90% industry, 0% science. So, when population grows -> industry production grows -> industry trade grows but trade and entertainment stays same (=no growth when population grows). That's why industry brings me more and more money when time/years/game goes on.

It would be nice to get confirmation (yes/no) from development.
tom147 4 maja 2014 o 10:34 
That sounds right actually. I like the long games also. Ill have to drag this game out and see how industry changes with the growth factor.. I havent heard anything from the devs lately. Im thinking we will only see a tweak or 2 if this game is to stay in this current format. Not a lot more they can do with it really unless they change the format completely and go in a different direction.
Raf  [producent] 4 maja 2014 o 13:48 
Industry and Agriculture is affected by their respective production. Their primary role isn't to generate money but they can supplement decent income with the right setup.

The income from these buildings is a factor of: the building level multiplied by the corresponding workforce*population (farmers/industry workers etc) + the planet resources/type + bonuses from techs + some trade traffic (not blockaded etc).

Where as Trade and Tourism buildings have as their primary role to generate money.
Workforce is not a factor but external factors do matter a lot, such as your relations with other races, treaties and your location/distance from others.

A colony near another race will generate much more trade from that race for example, so colonies bordering other races can be far more profitable than one on the corner of the map.

Początkowo opublikowane przez tom147:
I havent heard anything from the devs lately.
We just did a big update last month thread link[forum.l3o.com] and most discussions have moved on to our forums though we are on both mediums.
tom147 4 maja 2014 o 20:05 
To devs- yea I realize you had a big update a month ago, but after 3 times played thru I find things kinda dated and a bit stale, altho basically its a pretty good game as far as it goes . You might have moved on to other non steam threads but most steam players are kinda loyal to the steam threads and your steam thread is stale. If you dont agree look at the number of posts here the last few weeks. Not a biggie for me as Ill just move on to some other games Ive been looking at that are also early acess, but have much better dev-player relations. Dont get me wrong, I kinda like this game. I just dont see a lot of commitment to make it better. Wishing you well . Ill keep checking up and prob still play a bit .
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Data napisania: 2 maja 2014 o 21:53
Posty: 9