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Colonizing planets in enemy controlled space.and population happiness
First I would like to ask a dev or their mouthpiece about areas of control.

Do areas of control, the circle in your color around a system, do anything critically important? If your circle is superimposed over another AI does it affect their system?

What about joint colonization of a star system? Beyond making the AI send you messages about expansion are ther any rammifications? I have several systems where I colonized all the teran, oceanic, and desert, arctic planets and they have the volcanic etc.

HAPPINESS of your colonies. I am yet to see anyting beyind content. How does one make a colony unhappy or more then content? Is there a rebellion factor? Or is it plainly a non functional tool? Does it affect production?

Lastly as I exapnd early on there is a border that develops...it uses straightlines but does not concur with settled colonies. What is its uuses or reason for being? Is it the borders or my known space?
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I think that border (it is like a sort of double blue line thing right?) is your comms range, whithin which you can re-issue orders to your ships even when they are in deep space.

AFAIK other races get negative feelings about your colonies being too close to theirs, and their relation with you will go down a little - this includes if you co-habitate their systems. I think the right treaties can stop this though.
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Sayfa başına: 1530 50