Hexen: Beyond Heretic

Hexen: Beyond Heretic

N64 version gave me headaches, will this as well?
This and Star Fox were the first two games I bought for the N64. Hexen however had me feeling like total garbage with in a few minutes and like puking with in half an hour. I am not sure what it is, a few other games have caused it as well, but none quite like this one. Was it the N64 version that did it or they ported it just like the computer version and the PC version can cause problems too? I play other FPSs all the time and have heard others mention needing to change FOV or frames per second or something. Can those be changed on the PC version?
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It was probably some of your first experience with FPSs.. most people did experience similar simptons when playing FPS for the first time back in the 90s... our brains didn't know how to handle it... After so many years and so many 3D games your brain has adjusted and you should be fine now.
Origineel geplaatst door Vamphaery:
If on the other hand you do all that and still have problems, I suppose it could be the art style or color scheme or maybe you're squinting when playing due to the texture details or some such. Though I suspect it was that weird blurry AA the N64 used to cover up the aliasing lol.

Did Doom 64 affect you the same way?

If Doom 64 did, it was not anywhere near as bad and I honestly do not think it did at all. Just as HL2 is fine, but a mod called Get A Life will have me feeling the same as Hexen 64 and a new mod that just came out has me feeling a little sick as well.

It may of been the AA... who knows... or the rough nature of the game, instead of being smoother.

Origineel geplaatst door V I D A L:
It was probably some of your first experience with FPSs.. most people did experience similar simptons when playing FPS for the first time back in the 90s... our brains didn't know how to handle it... After so many years and so many 3D games your brain has adjusted and you should be fine now.

I might of agreed, had I not tried playing years later after playing all the other FPSs since then.

Also I have played Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, Turok, etc. and none have given me the same headaches as Hexen. (Turok 2 may have done something once in great while. I think it may have been the swaying and or slowdown from time to time.)
Origineel geplaatst door -$ilver- Mmmm... What you say...:
This and Star Fox were the first two games I bought for the N64. Hexen however had me feeling like total garbage with in a few minutes and like puking with in half an hour. I am not sure what it is, a few other games have caused it as well, but none quite like this one. Was it the N64 version that did it or they ported it just like the computer version and the PC version can cause problems too? I play other FPSs all the time and have heard others mention needing to change FOV or frames per second or something. Can those be changed on the PC version?

I had the same issue literally within seconds of downloading hexen and playing the base steam version.
DEFINITELY use a shell program like gzdoom to run the .wad. Not technical, just DL gzdoom, it finds the appropriate game maps from which you can choose to load. It cleans up the resolution significanty and allows you to toggle and slide every single performance variable. I would HIGHLY ADVISE turning off the head bobbing (not sure if thats *exactly* the name, but you'll figure it out).
Origineel geplaatst door bliznots:
Origineel geplaatst door -$ilver- Mmmm... What you say...:
This and Star Fox were the first two games I bought for the N64. Hexen however had me feeling like total garbage with in a few minutes and like puking with in half an hour. I am not sure what it is, a few other games have caused it as well, but none quite like this one. Was it the N64 version that did it or they ported it just like the computer version and the PC version can cause problems too? I play other FPSs all the time and have heard others mention needing to change FOV or frames per second or something. Can those be changed on the PC version?

I had the same issue literally within seconds of downloading hexen and playing the base steam version.
DEFINITELY use a shell program like gzdoom to run the .wad. Not technical, just DL gzdoom, it finds the appropriate game maps from which you can choose to load. It cleans up the resolution significanty and allows you to toggle and slide every single performance variable. I would HIGHLY ADVISE turning off the head bobbing (not sure if thats *exactly* the name, but you'll figure it out).

Yea head bobbing/weaving and possible weapon sways may be a factor as well. But what do you mean by it finds the appropriate game maps? Does it not just load the game from it's folder so it has to know in what order everything goes? Is the program legit and I wonder if this would work with all FPSs or it can only do the much older ones?
Origineel geplaatst door -$ilver-:
Origineel geplaatst door bliznots:

I had the same issue literally within seconds of downloading hexen and playing the base steam version.
DEFINITELY use a shell program like gzdoom to run the .wad. Not technical, just DL gzdoom, it finds the appropriate game maps from which you can choose to load. It cleans up the resolution significanty and allows you to toggle and slide every single performance variable. I would HIGHLY ADVISE turning off the head bobbing (not sure if thats *exactly* the name, but you'll figure it out).

Yea head bobbing/weaving and possible weapon sways may be a factor as well. But what do you mean by it finds the appropriate game maps? Does it not just load the game from it's folder so it has to know in what order everything goes? Is the program legit and I wonder if this would work with all FPSs or it can only do the much older ones?

I believe it only works on doom, doom2, heretic and hexen (1)
It works on any Doom engine game, so ChexQuest is in there too.

iD had a habit of releasing the full source code of their engines under a copyleft license (you can have and change all the code in this, but you must give people the right to do the same with your code) a few years after its first commercial release. They keep the art assets closed, so you have to use your copy of the game assets (the wad) or design new ones (Alien Arena does this using Quake 3's engine).
Origineel geplaatst door V I D A L:
It was probably some of your first experience with FPSs.. most people did experience similar simptons when playing FPS for the first time back in the 90s... our brains didn't know how to handle it... After so many years and so many 3D games your brain has adjusted and you should be fine now.

I know this is coming almost a year after your post, but that's one of the more brainless explanations a human could come up with. "most people" did not experience the same thing in the 90's...FFS, half the people playing the games now were born in the late 90's and after. The human race hasn't adapted to FPS's in 15 years. It's a reality that some game engines aren't as smooth as the next. Hexen had a TON of sway and bobbing that most games didn't. Perhaps framerate and some other factors come into play. This, as far as memory serves, is the ONLY game that makes me physically ill after 30 seconds of play.
I went to Barcelona recently and when "riding" in the car and it swerving back and forth on the curvy hills I get really sick and just feel god awful and it takes a while after getting out of the car to feel ok. It happens in the back seat and the front passenger seat. When I actually drive the vehicle I am perfectly fine. I have no idea how that happens or why. In the States when being driven I am perfectly fine no matter where I am sitting.
Origineel geplaatst door -$ilver-:
I went to Barcelona recently and when "riding" in the car and it swerving back and forth on the curvy hills I get really sick and just feel god awful and it takes a while after getting out of the car to feel ok. It happens in the back seat and the front passenger seat. When I actually drive the vehicle I am perfectly fine. I have no idea how that happens or why. In the States when being driven I am perfectly fine no matter where I am sitting.

I didn't expect this thread to pick right back up, but it's funny you bring up your personal experiences. I could play any FPS by myself, fine. But if i were to watch another person play the very same game, I would get nauseous. The fact that you "know what *you* would do", versus what another person actually does seems to trigger the motion sickness in me. I can play a game for hours, but watching someone else play an FPS is insta-sick for me.
Origineel geplaatst door bliznots:
Origineel geplaatst door -$ilver-:
I went to Barcelona recently and when "riding" in the car and it swerving back and forth on the curvy hills I get really sick and just feel god awful and it takes a while after getting out of the car to feel ok. It happens in the back seat and the front passenger seat. When I actually drive the vehicle I am perfectly fine. I have no idea how that happens or why. In the States when being driven I am perfectly fine no matter where I am sitting.

I didn't expect this thread to pick right back up, but it's funny you bring up your personal experiences. I could play any FPS by myself, fine. But if i were to watch another person play the very same game, I would get nauseous. The fact that you "know what *you* would do", versus what another person actually does seems to trigger the motion sickness in me. I can play a game for hours, but watching someone else play an FPS is insta-sick for me.

Ha! For a while near the end when I was not driving over there, I was imagining driving the car as it was being driven, I mean I knew the route we were taking and it seemed to help "a little", but I would still by the end be over come with sickness, so I am not sure if that really helped at all or was all in my head. Keeping my eyes shut did not help matters either.

But I swear when I drove over there I did not have any problems or possibly mild and when I say mild, I mean so mild I did not even notice it, at least not what had become the norm for me over there. Maybe I was at a different sea level... maybe because it was stick shift in any car I was driven in, but so too was the car I was allowed to drive. I just don't know.

I think the subject went as far as it can go, unless others have other suggestions for the problem and since I made the thread we can talk about what ever respectfully of course. However if I may ask, when you watch game play on YouTube or some other device, do you feel sick, or it has to be in front of a TV screen with someone else playing it? I notice when I “think” I should be sick from watching something on YouTube, I am fine. I am going to try watching someone play Hexen from the N64 on Youtube and see what happens... I think the correlation from TV to computer screen, any kind of lag or what ever happens between mediums will actually not affect me...
Origineel geplaatst door -$ilver-:
Origineel geplaatst door bliznots:

I didn't expect this thread to pick right back up, but it's funny you bring up your personal experiences. I could play any FPS by myself, fine. But if i were to watch another person play the very same game, I would get nauseous. The fact that you "know what *you* would do", versus what another person actually does seems to trigger the motion sickness in me. I can play a game for hours, but watching someone else play an FPS is insta-sick for me.

Ha! For a while near the end when I was not driving over there, I was imagining driving the car as it was being driven, I mean I knew the route we were taking and it seemed to help "a little", but I would still by the end be over come with sickness, so I am not sure if that really helped at all or was all in my head. Keeping my eyes shut did not help matters either.

But I swear when I drove over there I did not have any problems or possibly mild and when I say mild, I mean so mild I did not even notice it, at least not what had become the norm for me over there. Maybe I was at a different sea level... maybe because it was stick shift in any car I was driven in, but so too was the car I was allowed to drive. I just don't know.

I think the subject went as far as it can go, unless others have other suggestions for the problem and since I made the thread we can talk about what ever respectfully of course. However if I may ask, when you watch game play on YouTube or some other device, do you feel sick, or it has to be in front of a TV screen with someone else playing it? I notice when I “think” I should be sick from watching something on YouTube, I am fine. I am going to try watching someone play Hexen from the N64 on Youtube and see what happens... I think the correlation from TV to computer screen, any kind of lag or what ever happens between mediums will actually not affect me...

I must say, I haven't really watched much FPS play online. Not much of a twitch guy, etc. I would imagine I would have the same issue, where my mind wants to do one thing, and someone else controls the avatar in a completely different direction. The whole thing has to be similar to actual motion sickness, but instead of a boat or car providing the movement, it's the (in my opinion, totally unnecessary) head bob in FPS's. I turn it off in any game where an option allows to do so.
In real life, I happen to be VERY sensitive to spinning (can't do those amusement rides).
I am not a Twitch fan either, in fact until recently I did not even know what Twitch was. I still do not get it. Regardless, just pick a game you have beaten and just try to watch someone else play it on YouTube, even for a game review and see how well you feel. I used to love amusement park rides as a kid, but ever since I got out of the military I have not been able to ride them and I am not sure why. Perhaps too many bumps, turns, sharp jerking movements, etc. in the back of the Bradley made me sick I do not know...

I usually just watch him, but I will actually try to watch Hexen 64 being played and report my findings.





Laatst bewerkt door -$ilver-; 29 aug 2018 om 20:06
Wolfenstein 3d was a game that i've never been able to finish cause it made me sick!
Origineel geplaatst door bliznots:
Origineel geplaatst door V I D A L:
It was probably some of your first experience with FPSs.. most people did experience similar simptons when playing FPS for the first time back in the 90s... our brains didn't know how to handle it... After so many years and so many 3D games your brain has adjusted and you should be fine now.

I know this is coming almost a year after your post, but that's one of the more brainless explanations a human could come up with. "most people" did not experience the same thing in the 90's...FFS, half the people playing the games now were born in the late 90's and after. The human race hasn't adapted to FPS's in 15 years. It's a reality that some game engines aren't as smooth as the next. Hexen had a TON of sway and bobbing that most games didn't. Perhaps framerate and some other factors come into play. This, as far as memory serves, is the ONLY game that makes me physically ill after 30 seconds of play.
Are you stupid or just dumb?
First of all, the average age of a gamer is 34 years old dumbass... which means MOST PEOPLE playing games now were born in the early 80's. You are just a dumb kid and wasn't even a sperm when fps hit us in the 90's... pretty much EVERYONE had some experience with headaches when playing first person shooter back in the day. Some minor cases, but some people couldn't even stand mode than 15 minutes. But with time we all got used to it and it faded away.. you are a dumb kid in which your first game was already in 3D and you don't know how it was playing 2D games for years and then meet a first person shooter. Nobody is talking about human race adapting, retarded... I'm talking about individual, which, by the way, is something similar with VR nowadays... Lot's of people suffers from motion sickiness playing VR.. but the longer you do it, the easy it gets...
Same concept of plane pilots that can support the G... they adapt by being exposed to it.
Jesus you are dumb.
Some people can not adapt to playing certain games. After all these years I still feel sick with in minutes of playing Hexen 64. Yet the majority of FPSs I am completely fine with. Also I have heard that the reason Halo did not do so well in Japan was because of the FPS, while games like Lost Planet, due to it's 3rd person or over the shoulder view, was quite popular in Japan.
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