Prime World: Defenders

Prime World: Defenders

Arcane Azmadi 2019 年 6 月 14 日 下午 11:08
How is the 'Mechanic (Level 13)' achievement even physically possible?
In case you don't know, Mechanic (Level 13) is the hard mode achievement that requires you to upgrade 10 towers to level 3 in one run of stage 13. And I seriously don't think it's even physically possible. To even have the slightest CHANCE of being able to afford 10 upgrades in a single mission, you have to be using nothing but the cheapest, lamest, weakest tier 1 towers you can get your hands on (the best tower you can get away with using is Stone Tower) because anything more expensive becomes too expensive to afford the level 3 upgrade for. And even then, the mission in question only has 26 waves of enemies, and even rushing every single wave I could (which, unsurprisingly, got my grid of cheap, lame, weak tier 1 towers COMPLETELY overrun) I didn't even get CLOSE to getting enough Prime to be able to afford the upgrades for all 10 towers! Not even CLOSE!

Clearly the achievement IS possible because at least SOME players have accomplished it- it's just the 3rd-lowest completion achievement (and THE lowest of all the mission-specific achievements) in the entire game (behind only the ridiculously grindy "Build 10,000 towers" and "Win 500 games" ones, which are only the lower than it because "ain't nobody got time fo dat"). Unless the answer is just to play the mission normally while building a Slingshot tower (the cheapest tower in the game not counting the Rock) and upgrading it to level 3 then selling it 10 times while your REAL towers do the actual work. And I don't think it is.
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alveolate 2019 年 6 月 15 日 下午 10:24 
you do realise that the game allows you to play the same level up to 20x in one go right? and the ship upgrades allow you to start with a lot more prime? maybe figure out the game before ranting?
Arcane Azmadi 2019 年 6 月 15 日 下午 11:44 
引用自 alveolate
you do realise that the game allows you to play the same level up to 20x in one go right? and the ship upgrades allow you to start with a lot more prime? maybe figure out the game before ranting?

20x? Ship upgrades?

Wrong game.
最后由 Arcane Azmadi 编辑于; 2019 年 6 月 16 日 上午 1:17
alveolate 2019 年 6 月 16 日 上午 12:28 
oh my bad. didn't realise people still bothered to rant about THIS one.
Arcane Azmadi 2019 年 6 月 16 日 上午 1:18 
引用自 alveolate
oh my bad. didn't realise people still bothered to rant about THIS one.
Honestly, I'm actually genuinely impressed that you said "my bad" rather than getting indignant at me. That's more self-awareness than most people are capable of these days.
最后由 Arcane Azmadi 编辑于; 2019 年 6 月 16 日 上午 1:19
TheDeluxeTux 2019 年 9 月 20 日 下午 7:39 
This is possible by upgrading to a l3 tower, selling the tower, and rebuilding it and repeating 9 other times. With good magic and a solid defense, I managed to just build and scrap the same wooden tower a bunch
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发帖日期: 2019 年 6 月 14 日 下午 11:08
回复数: 5