Original War

Original War

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Stucuk Aug 17, 2020 @ 10:29am
Potential Japanese Locale Fix
When was released Japanese players noticed an issue which only effected those whose Windows Locale was set to Japanese. With i believe i have found a fix.

If any Japanese players wish to test please download the following and install to your Original War directory.

- https://owsupport.com/files/beta/OWPatch_2.0.6.132_TO_3.0.9.263.rar

P.S For anyone interested the issue seemed to be due to Japanese Locale using Multi-Byte strings. When sending UTF8 to LUA (UTF8 is also a Multi-Byte format) the string seems to be getting garbled. The fix detects if the Locale is Japanese(1041) and if so forces any codepage conversions to use European (1250).
Last edited by Stucuk; Sep 27, 2020 @ 3:46pm
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Stucuk Sep 27, 2020 @ 3:47pm 
Updated Original Post to with features further fixes and profile changes.
Last edited by Stucuk; Sep 27, 2020 @ 3:47pm
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