Wild Omission

Wild Omission

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This game has incredible potential. To give you greater ""visibility"" among the player communities, as a suggestion, a translation would be great, even if only of texts, into Spanish (second most spoken language in the world and with a large community of potential customers) and ""difficulty levels"" would also be interesting for ""clumsy"" players like me (I hate ""souls""). .. . Of course also, bringing this game to XBOX, with a ""full"" xbox controller setup would be fantastic, even when there are no such games on the console either. Never stop trying, in fact within XBOX, there is a program for indys developers, called ID @ XBOX ( for indy games), IDAP@Microsoft.com (promoting aid for small studies), where they will surely be able to listen to them and help you get the game out on their platform (even in game pass). Keep bringing ""life"" to this game. Excellent work.