Shadowrun Returns
Custom music
So it looks like custom music is possible-- it *mostly works* but with some serious limitations and considerations. I've been learning to work in Unity over the last 10 days or so and I found that we can get our own music into the game but it's not exactly easy to do--- to put it bluntly, it's really messy and complicated and I probably would not have even started if I knew a month ago what I do now.

I'm a musician first, though, so this is seriously exciting--- I would REALLY love to be able to get it working in some kind of polished, functional, and relatively straightforward process (and give it away to the community, of course).

My questions to you, the community--

how much demand is there for custom music importing? Is there something else you'd rather see added to the editor?

What if there was a alternate soundtrack instead of a process or plugin? (if I wrote an alternative soundtrack, cyberpunk to the core---- would you use it?)

Any feedback is seriously appreciated! Thank you. :)
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Sure, man.
But a tutorial to import other music or sounds would be great too.
I got no idea concerning copyrights of official artists or groups...or sounds in games that are 10 years old...
I think some original music would be pretty nifty. If only because the same music gets a little stale after completing the main campaign and playing through lots of player made stuff.

What I don't really want are playlists of unoriginal music that exist so that we can see what 'awesome' musical tastes the module creator thinks he/she has. If I wanted to listen to the radio I'd just turn one on.
Personally I would LOVE the ability to add in some alternate music. Either a set alternate soundtrack or pieces of my own choosing. It's actually why in my UGC the only band you meet is named "No Custom Music" and they are always playing the same "hit" single "Can't change the Soundtrack". It's my subtle (or not-so-subtle) dig at the current limitation, lol
Yeah, to clarify---

Best option would be a DIY tool that everyone could use but it is a daunting task on so many levels, especially licensing issues as you mentioned--- I've worked on this particular problem for about 30 hours now and it's looking less realistic each day. If there was huge demand and I thought a lot of people would really embrace and use it, I could justify spending the time but there are a lot of different things that could destroy it--- I'm not even comfortable estimating how much longer it would take since my coding is a little rusty and Unity is a new system to me.

Creating an album is well within my comfort zone and is something I could realistically have done in a hundred hours or so-- pretty close to it anyway.

I would love to just make an album and give it out so I can move on to other projects but at the same time, I have a lot of love for the SRR community so wherever there's demand, I'll try to accommodate.
Цитата допису Cutlass Jack:
I think some original music would be pretty nifty. If only because the same music gets a little stale after completing the main campaign and playing through lots of player made stuff.

What I don't really want are playlists of unoriginal music that exist so that we can see what 'awesome' musical tastes the module creator thinks he/she has. If I wanted to listen to the radio I'd just turn one on.

That's encouraging and touches a personal concern I was mulling over--- sort of the reason that myspace profiles were so horrible (in that 99% of the population needed a basic web design class but were somehow oblivious to how awful their profile pages were).

Also the inevitable copyright infringement is really the last nail in the coffin for a music import project from me--- I've decided to do my own original soundtrack and will put the tracks up for free download as they're completed and get some nice instructions made as well. I'm setting a goal of completing one track each week and will post updates along the way.

Автор останньої редакції: Static; 22 верес. 2013 о 14:03
I would also say, there are a number of music creators who posted in the workshop discussions, offering to do custom soundtracks there as well. Perhaps they might be tracked down to produce some additional, original tracks to add to the project. I assume if you were simply compiling a list of works that we know as a community have no copywrite ramifications (because the artist specfically create the for community use), then while compiling your own, adding them in would be no real extra effort?
Excellent point- I emailed a couple of guys earlier today but didn't think of the forums here. Actually after searching just now, it looks like there are a lot of folks who'd likely want to pitch in. I missed the submission deadline for Shadowrun Online, unfortunately, and I know there are some talented folks that didn't quite make the cut so I'll reach out to them as well.

Thanks, by the way. Anyone you have in mind in particular?
I'd absolutely love the option of another soundtrack to use, can't wait to check it out and cheers for the work you put in.
I have made a tool that will allow you to replace any track from the 61 available in Dragonfall DC, it also works as a UGC soundtracks manager/installer to switch between different UGC soundtracks or restore the original.

Just click a button and that's it, you can launch the UGC with a completely new music list. Now get yourselves into trouble!


Also available at nexusmods.

Have fun.
On the off chance FilthyJack is still around... did you ever get this working properly? Several of us have been asking on Nexus, as it would be wonderful to have a utility like this for Dragonfall or even (probably more so!) Hong Kong.
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Опубліковано: 22 верес. 2013 о 6:03
Дописів: 10