Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Returns

kmiklos 2014년 1월 29일 오전 10시 03분
Dragonfall OST
Will there be a digital deluxe edition of Dragonfall? I would really like to get the OST for this one too! :cybereye:

Here is the trailer's music:

The Haven:

Boss battle music:

Version 1.2.6 now includes two new tracks:
19 - The Haven
20 - Dragonfall
kmiklos 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 4월 15일 오전 10시 37분
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28개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
Roundabout 2014년 1월 29일 오후 8시 13분 
Yeah, I'm wondering this too. I love the soundtrack to the first one.
kmiklos 2014년 1월 30일 오전 9시 26분 
I have asked HBS, will post their answer here.
kmiklos 2014년 1월 31일 오전 1시 38분 
Well, here it is:
HBS님이 먼저 게시:
The majority of the soundtrack for Dragonfall is already included with the digital deluxe version of Shadowrun Returns.
Roundabout 2014년 1월 31일 오후 8시 33분 
kmiklos님이 먼저 게시:
Well, here it is:
HBS님이 먼저 게시:
The majority of the soundtrack for Dragonfall is already included with the digital deluxe version of Shadowrun Returns.
So...there's very little new music? Or will it just be packed into the same folder as the original game soundtrack when it installs?
kmiklos 2014년 2월 1일 오전 12시 48분 
There will be just a few new tracks. I have asked them in a reply if they plan to add this to Shadowrun Returns digital deluxe edition later, as a patch, and still waiting for their answer. I will let you know.
Roundabout 2014년 2월 1일 오후 3시 09분 
Thanks mate!
Machin Ator 2014년 2월 2일 오전 8시 08분 
La Papa Grande님이 먼저 게시:
kmiklos님이 먼저 게시:
Well, here it is:
So...there's very little new music? Or will it just be packed into the same folder as the original game soundtrack when it installs?

are you surprised? this is the studio of phone-it-in
crosscoded 2014년 2월 2일 오전 11시 50분 
Machinator님이 먼저 게시:
La Papa Grande님이 먼저 게시:
So...there's very little new music? Or will it just be packed into the same folder as the original game soundtrack when it installs?

are you surprised? this is the studio of phone-it-in
yet i see how much you dislike this game in EVERY SINGLE THREAD on this forum... if you didnt like the game at all ask a refund from steam or just shut up and get your mainstream COD instead...
kmiklos 2014년 2월 5일 오전 9시 19분 
I got a reply, they wrote they are discussing this possibility internally.
Until that, here is a link where you can listen to the music of the trailer:
(this page states 3 other in-game tracks will follow soon)
Roundabout 2014년 2월 5일 오후 8시 11분 
kmiklos님이 먼저 게시:
I got a reply, they wrote they are discussing this possibility internally.
Until that, here is a link where you can listen to the music of the trailer:
(this page states 3 other in-game tracks will follow soon)
Thanks mate! :tbphappy:
kmiklos 2014년 2월 17일 오전 9시 22분 
Now there is another one up at soundcloud, I don't know when it appeared, sorry if I'm late:
Roundabout 2014년 2월 27일 오후 11시 07분 
So, it's now out. Browing local files just shows the original soundtrack, and nobody has put the new stuff on youtube yet.
Did they say anything new about it?
kmiklos 2014년 2월 28일 오전 7시 01분 
No, nothing. :(
Though I noticed that the main title song is downloadable (see the first url I posted).
I will post updates here when I will receive any kind of reply from them.
Roundabout 2014년 3월 3일 오후 11시 22분 
kmiklos님이 먼저 게시:
No, nothing. :(
Though I noticed that the main title song is downloadable (see the first url I posted).
I will post updates here when I will receive any kind of reply from them.
Thank you! I've been browsing tabletop Shadowrun websites and sites which have discussion on the subject, and a lot of people (even those who dislike the vidya) seem to want it as well.
So we're not alone!
kmiklos 2014년 3월 4일 오전 9시 50분 
I sent them a reminder.
Good to know we are not alone!
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28개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2014년 1월 29일 오전 10시 03분
게시글: 28