Life Changer Game
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Alpha  [developer] Mar 9, 2023 @ 6:09pm
Share Your Thoughts on Life Changer - We Value Your Feedback!
Dear Life Changer game community,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to request your feedback on our latest game, Life Changer. As a valued member of our community, your opinion is important to us and we'd love to hear your thoughts.

Life Changer is a transformative new game that offers players the opportunity to change their lives in meaningful ways. Through engaging gameplay mechanics and a rich narrative, players will encounter a variety of challenges and opportunities designed to help them discover their passions, unlock their potential, and overcome personal obstacles. You'll have the chance to explore a wide range of personal and professional paths, build meaningful relationships with others, and make choices that impact the course of your journey. With every decision you make, you'll shape your own destiny and uncover the mysteries and secrets of the world of Life Changer.

We've put a lot of time and effort into developing Life Changer, and we're eager to hear what our community thinks. We welcome all types of feedback, whether it's positive, negative, or somewhere in between. Our goal is to create the best possible game for our community, and your input is crucial in helping us achieve that.

If you're interested in providing feedback, we'd love to hear from you. You can share your thoughts here or alternatively, you can email us at .

We'll review all feedback carefully and use it to inform future updates and improvements to the game. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,
Life Changer Game Admin
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
ChaoticCanadian Apr 22, 2023 @ 8:43pm 
Just finished first playthrough after 5ish hours (I think about 290 days?), very fun and addictive! Reminded me of a flash game I played when I was younger that I cant remember the name.

The movement sometimes was a bit difficult and confusing and had to reload at times so I can use more energy that day. Even after playing 2 hours still got the directions mixed up lol.

I think the progression of the AI comes to almost a complete stop when they hit 70%, I was at 20% for first couple hours while AI was at over 60% finished their goal. I was able to catch up after quite a bit of time and they only got to 90% when I finished.

I will play through another play through using different methods next time to see how it goes!

Thank you for a fun game :)
Alpha  [developer] Apr 22, 2023 @ 8:54pm 
Dear CCanadian,

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience playing our game. We are delighted to hear that you found it fun and addictive, and that it reminded you of a flash game from your childhood.

We apologize for any difficulties you encountered with movement and direction. We will take your feedback into consideration to improve the game's user experience.

We are glad to hear that you are planning to play through the game again using different methods. This is the beauty of our game, as it allows for diverse gameplay experiences.

We have a possible solution that may interest you if you wish to continue playing the game indefinitely without it ending. You can reload the autosave game and find a job lower than the CEO position. This will reduce your career goal, allowing you to continue playing indefinitely which is requested by some players.

The reason why the game was developed to conclude after winning is that the main character returns to the village to enjoy his newfound wealth with his family, and hence is no longer in the city. If you wish to continue playing the game forever, you can leave one of the goals uncompleted, as mentioned above.

If you are looking for ways to further enhance your experience with the game, we would recommend considering the multiplayer mode, where you can challenge your friends and see who comes out on top. Alternatively, you may want to try out some different strategies to complete the game faster and achieve a higher ranking on the game's leaderboard " " or complete all Steam achievements for the game. We believe these options will add to your overall replayability experience with the game.

To conclude, we would like to thank you for your kind words and feedback on your experience with the game. If it's convenient for you, we would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a review on Steam as it would help us and other players as well. We are thrilled that you enjoyed the game and look forward to hearing about your experience with the different methods in your next playthrough. Thank you again for your support.

Life Changer Team
harmskinny Sep 8, 2023 @ 7:27pm 
Hi! I've been playing for several hours now and I am really enjoying it, although I am struggling to find a good strategy. It seems like I'm always struggling. My question this, is a male presenting main character our only option? Or did I miss something in the menu? It is not a super big deal but I am curious as I prefer to use female presenting characters when possible.

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