Surgeon Simulator

Surgeon Simulator

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Found a bug/game doesn't work - what do I do?
Oh no - you've found a bug? That kinda sucks right, we spend HOURS making sure there weren't any!

But - if you DO stumble across one, please report it on

Before you do that though, make sure you tell us:

-Exactly what happened
-Where in the game are you?
-Which operating system are you using?
-Mac/Linux (versions please)/PC?
-When this problem started occurring
-What are the specs of your computer?
-If the game crashes and you get a crash dump, please can you send the information (file path)
- if that makes no sense to you, just send what comes up on the screen if the game crashes.

Couple of things you need to know:

BUG - stomach turns into a cat and dances around the room, begging for scraps

NOT A BUG - Oh man, the kidneys just flew out of the back of the ambulance, that's NOT FAIR!

Make sure it's a bug before you send it. :)

Hope you enjoy the game, and good luck. Surgery is tough!



If for some reason the game doesn't launch, try verifying your game files on Steam as a first resort.

Here's how:

1. Open the Steam library
2. Right click on Surgeon Simulator 2013 in the library
3. Click on "Properties"
4. Select the "Local Files" tab
5. Click on "Verify Integrity of Game Cache"

If that doesn't work, please get in touch with us on

Please attach your full Dxdiag by pressing the Windows+R key, typing "Dxdiag" and then clicking the "save all information" button in the bottom left. This will create a .txt file i'd like you to attach so we can get a complete view of your system.

If you’re on a Mac you can find out by pressing on the apple icon at the top left of the screen and pressing "about this Mac" and then clicking "more info.”

~ The Creators of Surgeon Simulator
Sist redigert av Bossa Studios Ltd; 17. aug. 2016 kl. 8.58