Prison Architect

Prison Architect

I would love an option to be corrupt in this game, acceting bribes from some notorios mafia boss for a suited out cell, or arranging for guards to disappear etc
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corrupt staff for you to deal with.
Staff will already allow inmates bypass security through staff doors and other means. I count that as corruption. Really inept corruption as dozens of inmates stream through a door they shouldn't have access too every single time. It would be nice to have options for cutting corners that put you at risk of significant fines and penalties. Make it closer to true to life standard where you can be an abusive monster putting countless lives at risk or causing misery and hailed as an industry leader as long as no one knows (publicly admits) how you do it :p
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ページ毎: 1530 50

投稿日: 2014年2月20日 18時37分
投稿数: 2