Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

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Alrik May 18, 2023 @ 7:45am
Game is really too hard
the game is absolut too hard even in easiest settings. I can not find drivable cars. And i can absolutly not find any ranged weapons. Any tipps which makes the game easier. I can sadly not get a refund. Thanks
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desrtfox071 May 18, 2023 @ 8:03am 
It's meant to be hard.

As for tips, one thing you could do is remaky your world with less enemies and slower evolution.

AS for your current game, here's some suggestions I made earlier for first steps to another player:

So, as for planning, this would be my take:

1) Establish some "safe" area/vehicle that you can call home temporarily. This should protect you from the elements and give you a place to sleep.

2) Expand this safe zone and collect necessary survival items - clean water, drinks, food, tools, clothing, books, etc.

3) Delve into the crafting system to augment what you've found with things you can craft either from common knowledge or from books. Books are probably going to be your primary source of information.

4) equip your character with some form of decent armor, ranged weapons, melee weapons, and any other augmentation you can get.

5) Beyond this there are some mid-late game goals to go for - upgrading your base with electricity, looking into the lore/story through exploration and reading various computer terminals, survivor notes, etc. Upgrading your character through various forms of augmentation.

I'll add more to this regarding initial steps for how to defend yourself and get going.
Alrik May 18, 2023 @ 8:36am 
ok but WHERE can i find some guns ? It seems there are non of em in game. I found a lot of Toolstores and Hairstylists. And EVERY vehicle is broken/has no fule.
And What are the symbols/Buildings/colores of the map. I made a easy setting to the game but it doesnt help.
desrtfox071 May 18, 2023 @ 8:38am 
Now some additions:

The starting parameters can seriously affect the difficulty.

The "standard" start is the evac start (not sure exactly what it's called). You can pick easier starts.

As for vehicles - getting a car up and running is what I would consider a "medium term" goal typically. While you can potentially find a car that is fully functional right off the bat, it is often necessary to at least deal with a small number of enemies before you get this far. So initially, you'll want to be looking at some of the things I mentioned in the post above. First off, you'll want to find some shelter (the EVAC start provides this from the get-go), and then secure water, food, and a base weapon.

Make sure you are looking through the crafting menu (&) because this is where you will likely find the ability to acquire your first weapon. Most likely, your first weapon will be a melee weapon of some sort. Once you've managed to kill a few initial base-type zombies, you're well on your way to finding a working car, and acquiring some kind of ranged weapon. First weapons that fit in this category could be spears (although not ranged, it does have "reach" capability which allows a "range" of 2 tiles). You may be able to quickly make a short bow, or find one, or a sling to provide "real" ranged capability. Many new players try to beeline to firearms. Let me caution you on this. While effective of course, they also make a lot of noise which will attract any zombies within a good distance to that noise, so firearms early in the game can be counter effective.

For most weapons you'll either craft them, or loot them from some appropriate store. So for bows, for example, a hunting store, maybe sporting goods store(less likely) etc. would be good places to look. Early on, exploring the towns/storefronts by night is usually the way to go. This will limit the number of enemies which can detect you, allowing you to get in and out of specific locations fart easier than during the day, when you will get larger groups seeing and thus attacking you.

Make sure you are keeping an eye on your stamina. Early in the game, this stat is by far the most important. With high stamina you can almost always outrun any initial enemies you encounter. Early game loss of stamina during an engagement will almost always result in death.
Last edited by desrtfox071; May 18, 2023 @ 8:40am
desrtfox071 May 18, 2023 @ 8:42am 
Originally posted by Alrik:
ok but WHERE can i find some guns ? It seems there are non of em in game. I found a lot of Toolstores and Hairstylists. And EVERY vehicle is broken/has no fule.
And What are the symbols/Buildings/colores of the map. I made a easy setting to the game but it doesnt help.

Make sure you are looking at your map (m), and if you move the mouse cursor around, you will see a description of each tile. In this way, you can determine what type of building you are looking at on the map, and get used to the icons. Also, getting to high ground (say an upper floor, or a tower of some kind) will extend your vision range so you will then have more "explored" area on your map.

My initial steps after getting a base weapon and some food/water, usually amounts to finding books and extending my explored area on the map for better raid planning.

Initially, for a ranged weapon, you can even throw rocks, although I don't find this to be as effective as using a melee weapon like a cudgel/spear, etc.
Last edited by desrtfox071; May 18, 2023 @ 8:43am
xjulep May 18, 2023 @ 8:47am 
Working vehicles are easy to find. You are just having bad luck. How many minutes do you survive on average?

For guns: they are at military areas like helipad, sometimes police roadblocks, minefields at bridge heads, inside armored cars and armored personnel carriers, gun stores. Any time you see a zombie soldier he probably dropped a rifle nearby.

Only gun stores are visible on the map. Find a tall structure like a radio tower or grain silo at a farm to climb up so you can fill more of the map. Then use / key to search the word “gun” or sporting goods in the map screen
xjulep May 18, 2023 @ 8:54am 
I forgot to mention: search “light” in the map to find light industry when you have more of the map filled out. They have a working van a lot of the time. Also a lot of tools. Dairy farms also usually have a vehicle.

You need a screwdriver to hotwire cars if they are locked. Almost every house in the game has screwdrivers, hammers, etc in the kitchen.
Alrik May 18, 2023 @ 8:54am 
aha ok i will try. Food and Water/Drinkables arent a Problem. But Yeah if i hover the Cursor over the dam Tile it tells me what it is. Thanks. I find the game really good. It is a extreme big Map and i like it.
desrtfox071 May 18, 2023 @ 8:55am 
Originally posted by xjulep:
Working vehicles are easy to find. You are just having bad luck. How many minutes do you survive on average?

For guns: they are at military areas like helipad, sometimes police roadblocks, minefields at bridge heads, inside armored cars and armored personnel carriers, gun stores. Any time you see a zombie soldier he probably dropped a rifle nearby.

Only gun stores are visible on the map. Find a tall structure like a radio tower or grain silo at a farm to climb up so you can fill more of the map. Then use / key to search the word “gun” or sporting goods in the map screen

Good info.

Let me state some more about finding vehicles. While I also think they are "easy" to find, they aren't going to be particularly easy for a new player with a day-1 character. This is because you're going to need to examine maybe 5 or 10 to find one that is working enough that you can drive. During this process, the player needs to be able to deal with zombies to some extent. That's just step one though. Now you need to know where to drive to, how far will the car last on its fuel, etc. Can you drive it down the road without crashing it into light posts/other cars/zombies? This is why, for a brand new player, I would say focus first on developing your capability to kill zombies one at a time, or maybe two at a time, paying attention to stamina, and then seek out some form of car. Early on, it's probably better to secure a house for use rather than a car. Just my thoughts.

Also, I think this is a typo, but not "only" gun stores are visible on the map - any tile type usually is. And as mentioned, firearms are kind of a noob trap in my opinion because what will happen is a new player will find a firearm (usually in a city) then proceed to use it and quickly run out of ammo. Now, all of the zombies in the nearby area are alerted and will converge on the source of the sound, killing the new player. Again, just my thoughts.

One of the great things about CDDA is how well it facilitates different play styles.
Last edited by desrtfox071; May 18, 2023 @ 9:00am
desrtfox071 May 18, 2023 @ 8:57am 
Originally posted by Alrik:
aha ok i will try. Food and Water/Drinkables arent a Problem. But Yeah if i hover the Cursor over the dam Tile it tells me what it is. Thanks. I find the game really good. It is a extreme big Map and i like it.
The map is procedurally generated and will go on virtually forever in any direction.
xjulep May 18, 2023 @ 9:02am 
I also forgot this: the 100% most important useful tip in the game, other than “r to run: smash refrigerators or air compressor type machines with a big rock or something heavy to get rubber hose. Rubber hose [s]iphons fuel in the car menu, from car to another car. This way you can collect fuel.
desrtfox071 May 18, 2023 @ 9:03am 
There's lots of good advice in this pinned thread as well:
Alrik May 18, 2023 @ 9:03am 
aha its like a Word Map then. Good
desrtfox071 May 18, 2023 @ 9:06am 
Originally posted by Alrik:
aha its like a Word Map then. Good
Yep. In CDDA parlance it's called the 'overmap". Also, FYI it supports Z levels, so say you're standing in a church steeple to get a more distant view, and you bring up the map and see only a sea of sky-blue tiles. Use the ">" key to move down a Z-level from your character's level until you get to ground level. Now you can see all of the buildings/tiles that just became visible. You can go up Z-levels using the "<" key. Just like going up and down stairs.
Last edited by desrtfox071; May 18, 2023 @ 9:07am
Alrik May 18, 2023 @ 9:15am 
aha ok
Alrik May 18, 2023 @ 9:30am 
i quit the game and delete it. It is really not for me. Too hrd no fun. No matter what Settings i use. Can not reach weapons because Zombies/Creatures are everywhere or the dam stores are closed with dam Metal doors. Thanks for advice but i need a MUCH easier game. Thread can be closed
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