Broken Age

Broken Age

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Ricey012 Jul 9, 2014 @ 12:17pm
Act 2 Update and an appearance from Curtis the Metalworker
Hey guys, I know things have been a bit quiet here and folks have been wondering how Act 2 development is coming! We've been heads down working as hard as we can to get the rest of the game in your hands, but I wanted to pop in and let you know where things are!

We are currently in our final alpha development sprint for Shay’s half of Act 2. At the end of next week his section of Act 2 will be playable from start to finish with blocked animation! Then it’s off to the studio for another voice recording session while the team rolls on to developing Vella's half of Act 2.

We're currently hoping to wrap up Act 2 by the end of the year. I know that's later than most of you were hoping, but everything in this game is hand crafted and just takes time, and we want to make sure we deliver something that hits the quality bar we set with Act 1.

Until then, your patience is much appreciated! To help tide over the wait, here's a look at everyone's favorite hipster lumberjack's new Act 2 style:
Last edited by Ricey012; Jul 9, 2014 @ 12:18pm
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Showing 1-15 of 95 comments
Lovely stuff!*

(*not my words, Michael. The words of Shakin' Stevens.")
himmatsj (Banned) Jul 9, 2014 @ 7:23pm 
Just how far into dev of Vella's half are you guys?
DantiaX Jul 9, 2014 @ 8:01pm 
Thank you very much for the update. I'm disapointed that the rest of the game will take longer than anticipated, but I appreciate the attention that you all are putting into the game. Really, I'm just very excited to have an update, over the moon actually. Thank you again. XD
himmatsj: second paragraph, last sentence. They haven't started on Vella's half yet, they're finishing Shays half first. At least that's what I read.
Ricey012 Jul 10, 2014 @ 2:39pm 
Art, writing, and design has been working on Vella's section for a bit, it's just gameplay programming and animation that are yet to roll on. Sooooon!
The Law ;) Jul 12, 2014 @ 4:17am 
Looking forward to it! It's a fantastic game which I love & I appreciate the dev spending the time needed to make part 2 as good as part one :) Thx
Take all the time you need guys! I know you don't pay much attention to impatient demands anyway, and rightly so. Release when you're finished and not before, is my motto.
TheMoon Jul 14, 2014 @ 8:22am 
I wonder is metal screams when you hammer it? Lets find out!
Cybergopher (Banned) Jul 14, 2014 @ 9:37pm 
For some reason he no longer bothers me. Maybe it was the plaid.
( ಠ_ಠ) Jul 15, 2014 @ 11:38am 
You know, sometimes I wonder how the money was spent exactly.
The graphics look nice, have "artistic value" but doesn't look complicated to me. Same for animation. Gameplay is a couple of hours. Development seems to take ages.
I mean is a crowfounded title, maybe trasparency on how 3.300.000$ as been spent would be nice, if not just fair.
I was so surprised when the boss over there annunced that thanks to the sale ACT 2 was now founded, so act 1 cost = 3.3 milion dollars...
moralitis Jul 15, 2014 @ 5:38pm 
$2,232,465 was their game budget
Cybergopher (Banned) Jul 15, 2014 @ 9:16pm 
Actually, it was 6.6 mil for the 1st half. Based on the documentary. And they said they used all of it in the most recent episode, "For The Love", and that now they are funding the remainder of the game on "their" budget, "for the love". Because they blew through the rest of it already.
Last edited by Cybergopher; Jul 15, 2014 @ 9:17pm
Originally posted by error 410:
You know, sometimes I wonder how the money was spent exactly.
The graphics look nice, have "artistic value" but doesn't look complicated to me. Same for animation. Gameplay is a couple of hours. Development seems to take ages.
I mean is a crowfounded title, maybe trasparency on how 3.300.000$ as been spent would be nice, if not just fair.
I was so surprised when the boss over there annunced that thanks to the sale ACT 2 was now founded, so act 1 cost = 3.3 milion dollars...

I wonder, are you wondering how they spent the money because you in your infinite wisdom reckon it didn't need to cost as much as it did, because you're an artist, and an animator, and an actor, and a writer, and a designer, and a producer, and you know how much these things actually cost?
moralitis Jul 16, 2014 @ 1:03am 
Originally posted by hellotyler:
Actually, it was 6.6 mil for the 1st half. Based on the documentary. And they said they used all of it in the most recent episode, "For The Love", and that now they are funding the remainder of the game on "their" budget, "for the love". Because they blew through the rest of it already.
yes, but this "3.3 million" gets chucked about way too often when out of that 3.3 only $2,232,465 was available for game budget
( ಠ_ಠ) Jul 16, 2014 @ 8:22am 
Originally posted by my•glass•eye:
Originally posted by error 410:
You know, sometimes I wonder how the money was spent exactly.
The graphics look nice, have "artistic value" but doesn't look complicated to me. Same for animation. Gameplay is a couple of hours. Development seems to take ages.
I mean is a crowfounded title, maybe trasparency on how 3.300.000$ as been spent would be nice, if not just fair.
I was so surprised when the boss over there annunced that thanks to the sale ACT 2 was now founded, so act 1 cost = 3.3 milion dollars...

I wonder, are you wondering how they spent the money because you in your infinite wisdom reckon it didn't need to cost as much as it did, because you're an artist, and an animator, and an actor, and a writer, and a designer, and a producer, and you know how much these things actually cost?

nope, is because I don't know that I'm asking.
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Date Posted: Jul 9, 2014 @ 12:17pm
Posts: 95