Gone Home

Gone Home

Brune 2014 年 6 月 29 日 下午 8:09
I'm not here to tell you how to think. (spoilers)
I use to be a game reviewer, I've moved on to developing games now. I rather liked Gone Home. I bought it over the sale because a lot of people said it was boring, short and the story was horrible. When I picked it up I had no clue there was LBGT themes to it all. In fact it kind of blindsided me, but when it did I was rooting for the sister to do what makes her happy. To help her get out of the bad place she was in. She found it.

Generally the game took me on a rollercoaster of emotions. I first thought the game was that of horror, the creaking house and uncle oscar made me creeped out. While reading about the sister in her dark place at the beginning. I started feeling the game would end with the sisters suicide. During the time she met Lonnie I was extremely happy and while she was struggling with her parents, I felt mad. I felt like the parents should be able to understand.

The depth of the story is amazing. The characters are well built and very detailed. They have flaws and strengths that are believable. The plot archs wonderfully and the game really comes together.

Overall this is an adventure game at it's heart. It's amazing and simple awesome. The plot drives together the adventure which in turn builds the character which carries the drama. Over all the game is worth 5 dollars and even 20.
最後修改者:Brune; 2014 年 7 月 1 日 下午 8:15
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目前顯示第 1-12 則留言,共 12
ChRAWRlie 2014 年 6 月 30 日 上午 6:47 
Dev 2014 年 6 月 30 日 上午 8:46 
Steggy approves this message. :steggy:
H_D_Case 2014 年 6 月 30 日 下午 6:05 
You forgot to mention the incredible voice acting and the soundtrack which both transported so much emotion. "The sunset light in this house is the saddest thing I've ever seen." when I heard this I could really feel Sam‘s agony. And even if the ending is not as sad as I feared it might be, I think it is still a very sad ending – for Katie.

It is an amazing game and you should buy and play this game – especially all who can remember the 90s. All those stuff in the house brought back so many memories...
最後修改者:H_D_Case; 2014 年 6 月 30 日 下午 6:26
Brune 2014 年 6 月 30 日 下午 6:24 
引用自 H_D_Case
You forgot to mention the incredible voice acting and the soundtrack which both transported so much emotion. "The sunset light in this house is the saddest thing I've ever seen." when I heard this I could really feel Sam‘s agony. And even if the ending is not as sad as I feared it might be, I think it is still a very sad ending – for Katie.

It is an amazing game and you should bye and play this game – especially all who can remember the 90s. All those stuff in the house brought back so many memories...
Apologies, yes. I totally disregarded mentioning them because I didn't think their perfection was in question at all. :)
Nedly Dedly 2014 年 7 月 1 日 下午 2:19 
Its sad and completely idiotic, how people overprice and overpraise things and easy-made games like this just because they have "drama" and "heart" :/
Brune 2014 年 7 月 1 日 下午 4:41 
引用自 John Smirnov
Its sad and completely idiotic, how people overprice and overpraise things and easy-made games like this just because they have "drama" and "heart" :/
Listen if you don't come to games for a story then stay away games that focus on story. I'm not going to say you have to love this game. I am also not going bash shooters because of their terrible plots mashed up with filler. Then say you shouldn't buy any and if you do that makes you idiotic. Obviously this game isn't for you but if you ever want to enjoy a good plot driven game then I recommend this one.
最後修改者:Brune; 2014 年 7 月 1 日 下午 4:43
Kaldrak 2014 年 7 月 1 日 下午 7:03 
引用自 John Smirnov
Its sad and completely idiotic, how people overprice and overpraise things and easy-made games like this just because they have "drama" and "heart" :/

Ah, another one. Once again, the word of the day is 'subjective'. Please go look it up and educate yourself before attempting any further discussion on this subject.

To the OP. I happen to agree with you about most of the points you make. It's a well told, well presented short story adventure game. I don't really think it's worth twenty dollars, but I did enjoy my time with it. You may want to add that you're spoiling the story somewhat, however.
最後修改者:Kaldrak; 2014 年 7 月 1 日 下午 7:04
Brune 2014 年 7 月 1 日 下午 8:15 
引用自 Kaldrak
引用自 John Smirnov
Its sad and completely idiotic, how people overprice and overpraise things and easy-made games like this just because they have "drama" and "heart" :/

Ah, another one. Once again, the word of the day is 'subjective'. Please go look it up and educate yourself before attempting any further discussion on this subject.

To the OP. I happen to agree with you about most of the points you make. It's a well told, well presented short story adventure game. I don't really think it's worth twenty dollars, but I did enjoy my time with it. You may want to add that you're spoiling the story somewhat, however.
Added a tag. Also not worth 20 dollars? I guess we will have to disagree. I bought it for 5 dollars but I thought it was a strong 20 dollar game.
最後修改者:Brune; 2014 年 7 月 1 日 下午 8:17
Kaldrak 2014 年 7 月 2 日 下午 7:46 
引用自 Narb
What rollercoaster of emotions? As soon as I realized the house didn't have a zombie or ghost or some sort of paranormal threat, I realized it's some sort of homosexual simulator.

They could have literally gone in any direction except the direction they went and it would have been fun. As it stands right now, it's just a failed attempt at self expression on the developers part that simply won't click with the overwhelming majority of the human population.

Not only is it trying to cator to the homosexual crowd, but it's trying to cator to the homosexual crowd that also has a soft spot for deserters.

Funny, and here I thought it was just a short, non-standard romance story with fairly good presentation. My oh my how you haters love to drag up conspiracy theories. Let's hear another one!

And yet more ignorance. As far as I'm aware, you are free to quit anytime before bootcamp without being a 'deserter'. It happens fairly often and you may not be welcome back, but quitting the military before you take your second oath of enlistment results in no criminal charges and you are not a 'deserter' in any way shape or form.
最後修改者:Kaldrak; 2014 年 7 月 2 日 下午 8:14
Talyn 2014 年 7 月 2 日 下午 8:58 
引用自 Narb
What rollercoaster of emotions? As soon as I realized the house didn't have a zombie or ghost or some sort of paranormal threat, I realized it's some sort of homosexual simulator.

They could have literally gone in any direction except the direction they went and it would have been fun. As it stands right now, it's just a failed attempt at self expression on the developers part that simply won't click with the overwhelming majority of the human population.

Not only is it trying to cator to the homosexual crowd, but it's trying to cator to the homosexual crowd that also has a soft spot for deserters.

You clearly are unaware of the law regarding 'desertion'. That's cool. I'm sure it's all the principle of the thing to you, so whether Lonnie is legally a deserter or not is probably irrelevant as far as you're concerned. But it's not desertion - legally. We don't even know - in the story - whether appropriate papers requesting discharge were filed or not.

Obviously, not everyone experiences stories the same way. I found the tale in Gone Home quite moving. The voice acting and writing were well done and my sense of empathy kept me engaged and worried. If all of that failed to move you... That's fine.

What's not fine is the way you mischaracterize the game. I suppose you could just be a bigot who thinks you're making a funny play on the term 'walking simulator'. Hm. I suppose you may be amusing to other bigots, for that matter. But... To be clear, at no point in the game do you 'simulate' a homosexual. Well, unless you consider any story that includes a description of such a relationship as a 'simulator'. I doubt that, though.

Not being able to immerse yourself in a love story that you cannot relate to is not a bad thing. I cannot relate to a good number of traditional bodice rippers in which the male love interest behaves as a neanderthal, sometimes even sexually assaulting the heroine, but she still falls madly in love with him. Whatever - not my thing. You, though? You seem offended by the idea that there are relationships outside of your interest.

You know... It would be unfair of me to put words in your mouth. I don't think I can explore your post much more without doing so. Why don't you clarify for us what really bothers you about the game. It's clear that you were less than impressed with it, but other than sounding bigoted, you didn't really say why.
最後修改者:Talyn; 2014 年 7 月 2 日 下午 8:59
Laura Blues 2014 年 8 月 11 日 上午 9:51 
引用自 John Smirnov
Its sad and completely idiotic, how people overprice and overpraise things and easy-made games like this just because they have "drama" and "heart" :/
What's sad and completely idiotic, is how people insult others just because they don't have their same tastes.
Brune 2014 年 8 月 11 日 上午 11:04 
引用自 Laura Blues
引用自 John Smirnov
Its sad and completely idiotic, how people overprice and overpraise things and easy-made games like this just because they have "drama" and "heart" :/
What's sad and completely idiotic, is how people insult others just because they don't have their same tastes.
I think that is the exact issue with people hating things like gone home, tfol and dear esher. I mean I couldn't play dear esher, I found it horrible because the movement was limited to a crawl and there was no direction in it meaning I would have to move around at this crawl for 30 minutes just to find out where to go. I just can't push through that, it seems tedious and a very poorly made opener which provides no hook. That said people seem to like it and if they value their time with it then I am not going to say it's trash. Obviously there is something more there for people who has that much patience.
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