Knights of Pen and Paper +1

Knights of Pen and Paper +1

[Achievements all fixed] "The Explorer" and "Master of dungeon" question.
Anyone got this problem? My "The Explorer" achievement always display as 1/32 no matter where I go. Is this an achievement's bug?
Edit** Its fixed now:D

Also, for Master of dugeon if I replay the same dungeon is it gonna count toward? Because I replayed it but my achievement page said 1/10.
Answer: Replayed dungeon count toward. It'll update progress checkpoint at 4/10.

Thanks for all answer :D
最后由 Avatar_Y™ (っ◕‿◕)っ 编辑于; 2014 年 2 月 20 日 上午 9:38
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正在显示第 1 - 15 条,共 18 条留言
Hawk X 2014 年 2 月 5 日 上午 7:29 
I am currently trying to get all achievements... and i have that issue as well... i finished the game, all post game content including the kitchen... yet i am still at 1/32... kinda weird ;)
Some of achievements are bugged and Devs seem don't care about this....:(
Hawk X 2014 年 2 月 5 日 下午 3:36 
i just wrote on another one... and there was a Dev in there that stated they were working on it!! ... is it really so long to work in a fix for steam?? I have worked on MMOs for about 3 years in the past (age of conan, secret world) and it was actually quite easy to get fixes in the game data for each patches... its been many months and still no news... hopefully writing in here will help to motivate to fix the issues remaining! :)
Fortunato 2014 年 2 月 5 日 下午 3:50 
If fixing the achievements is that much work and they don't want to spend the time, those two achievements could simply be removed...
I would say....fixing isn't that long or that trouble only if they really want to. :(
I felt regret buy this game on iPhone to support dev...not worth it.

But the game still awesome :D
Hawk X 2014 年 2 月 6 日 上午 7:31 
yes but its still sad when devs just dont care enough to actually fix issues...

either make it work or remove it... but please dont leave it half broken...
I agreed. If you don't fix it, at least remove it until ready. Then if they add it later, it still piss me to replay the game just to get some achievement :D
SeaGoblin 2014 年 2 月 6 日 下午 12:29 
i was just looking up why i cant explore. good to know its a bug that will maybe be fixed... i wish it was done now tho...
Avatar_Y™ (っ◕‿◕)っ 2014 年 2 月 18 日 上午 10:50 
Now achievements is all fixed. :D
Dretar 2014 年 2 月 19 日 上午 10:55 
I still can't seem to get the explorer done.. stuck at 30/32 even though I've completed the game from the start till the end today.

I didnt reset the game though - i just started a new game from my old "data.kopp" file.

I do not have 100% everywhere but it does not seem to be a requirement for the achievement.. Any ideas guys whats wrong?
最后由 Dretar 编辑于; 2014 年 2 月 19 日 下午 12:11
Hawk X 2014 年 2 月 19 日 下午 12:01 
perhaps you still need to be on the beta build? considering i got it today as well... with a new game, went to every availlable area from the very begining without doing a single quest... then loaded a full completed save game and went to the remaining area (castle to the top right, then beach and steam island, and finally the 4 area with portal)... finally got it that way!... if it did not work for you AND you are playing the beta version, no idea why... i never deleted my kopp file either...
Dretar 2014 年 2 月 19 日 下午 12:14 
Juat tried running the Beta.. No progress - Still 30/32.. I've even done all of the dungeons fully cleared just to be sure they're not the issue.
Hawk X 2014 年 2 月 19 日 下午 12:56 
IF you were not running the beta and just upgraded to it, then you'll need to visit every location until you find which one did not register... then the achievement will pop... :)
Dretar 2014 年 2 月 20 日 上午 1:35 

I have uninstalled the game. Installed the game, turned on the beta. copied my "data.kopp" file in. Turned the game in, and walked through each location (including steam island, portal and 3 zones, the location with the beach and the castle in NE corner - including even fully exploring the 2 dungeons (the one with mario theme and the other icy one). :<...
If you manage to pass 1/32 thats mean you on the right build. My suggestipn is to create a new game and quick playthrough it. I unlocked this halfway in 2nd playthrough.
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