Bad Hotel

Bad Hotel

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leftsaidtim 26 out. 2013 às 17:17
Terribly stuck on Crab Sticks (2-6)
This boss is really giving me trouble. I looked around for any strategies on youtube or the web but couldn't find anything.

Basically, what I find difficult is that the boss will one-shot any structure to either side of the hotel. I can build a few rooms that generate money + health below ground, but I have a hard time developing enough weapons such that the swarm of enemies at the end don't destroy me completely.

The cheapest room is the ice room, but those don't do much damage. Has anyone actually beat this level?
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amazingrolo  [developer] 27 out. 2013 às 13:11 
All of the bosses can be beaten!
Check out these videos someone made of all of the boss battles, maybe they will help?
leftsaidtim 27 out. 2013 às 13:54 
Oh, thanks! I ended up beating the boss immediately after I posted my question and felt a little silly. I thought maybe about sharing my strategy but I didn't want to spoil it for anyone else that might have been still trying to beat that same boss.
Insane Samurai 22 jun. 2014 às 15:11 
It seems like most of this game is luck based, which is confusing. I was having the same problem when i nonsensically tried a much worse layout than I had before, but the enemies and boss attack RNG was so favorable that it made the level look easy and I was sitting there like what? Kinda kills the will to keep playing when you realize you can just randomly slap stuff down over and over and beat anything eventually hehe.
leftsaidtim 22 jun. 2014 às 15:30 
That's absolutely true. It's frustrating when you apply really good strategy but lose to RNG. However, if you play well and make smart moves, you should win more often than not.
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