The Swapper

The Swapper

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facepalmg  [developer] May 30, 2013 @ 5:59pm
The Swapper Official FAQ
Hello! This is Olli, the developer here. There are a couple threads going around and I wanted to answer some of the questions in one place for easy reference.

First, huge thanks to everyone who has supported us, contributed workarounds or reported problems! We're trying to get fixes to at least some of these problems out over the course of the next few days and appreciate your patience! We are only 2 full time people so we are working as fast as we can!

Where can I get the soundtrack?
Bundled with the game here[] (DRM free copy of the game + Steam key are included).
Via Bandcamp here[].

Does the game work on Intel GPU's? What about future support?
Intel HD Graphics are not officially supported. But if you've got yourself a 3000 or better then there is a reasonable chance it will mostly/sorta work. No promises, but we've been working hard on it, at any rate.

What about computers with 2 GPUs, like Intel+AMD or Intel+Nvidia?
It seems the drivers don't default to the higher end gaming GPU when The Swapper is started. You may need to manually switch to that GPU to be able to run the game. How this is done depends on your drivers

It might also be possible to right click the game executable and choose the GPU the drivers switch to when it's ran. The game executable is TheSwapper.exe in the folder opened by right clicking The Swapper on Steam library, then clicking Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files.

The game has technical problem X?
We're working to give everyone a smooth play experience ASAP. The more technical info we have the better. If you experience any problems please email us at with as much information as possible.
On windows: 'My Docs/Facepalm Games/The Swapper 10000/TrueEngineLog.txt' might contain some relevant information.

How long is the game?
4-10 hours depending on how quick you are to solve the puzzles :) If you manage a speed run, let us know!

Can I monetize youtube videos featuring footage recorded from the game
Yes. Monetize the $hit out of them!

What if I experience space sickness or other existential crisis?
Please don't be alarmed! This is a normal occurrence when playing The Swapper. There is no need to worry...

If you have any other questions please email us at

Thanks for all the support and patience! We love you!
Last edited by facepalmg; Feb 20, 2014 @ 1:51am
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Showing 1-15 of 98 comments
JuMinotaur May 30, 2013 @ 7:22pm 
Thanks for the support my only problem is my Vsync is not working running in the 400's which taxes my card. Im so eager to play the game but and hope a patch will come out to address this issue.
pending May 31, 2013 @ 7:48am 
Good guy developers. I'm ready to PLAY THIS
diegzumillo May 31, 2013 @ 1:23pm 
Hello developer :)
I love the game and shall keep an eye out for anything made by facepalm games from now on.

Also, I want an editor!
klkitchens May 31, 2013 @ 1:56pm 
Remappable keys, right?
facepalmg  [developer] May 31, 2013 @ 3:13pm 
Originally posted by Tie Goes to the Rocket:
Remappable keys, right?
Mr. F May 31, 2013 @ 3:19pm 
Hey Olli,
Loving your game so far and wanted to ask a couple of questions,
Is this your first game?
Will there be (or is there already) a making-of of sorts?
as it seems this game is really begging for one.

Thanks for a really special game.

klkitchens May 31, 2013 @ 4:05pm 
Originally posted by facepalmg:
Originally posted by Tie Goes to the Rocket:
Remappable keys, right?

DYMAXION May 31, 2013 @ 4:57pm 
ETA on a fix for the sound issue that causes crashes? I have a Asus soundcard if that helps.
Shooter May 31, 2013 @ 8:11pm 
hello sir, runs great on my rig so far. very unique grafix and extremely thought provoking puzzles. the dialog and texts really make for some interesting self reflection on many levels. would love to know your inspiration in the making of something so enigmatic and yet...strangely familiar.

Cheers to you
VisAlGhul Jun 1, 2013 @ 6:43am 
Please add INTEL HD support ASAP, i have this game, but can't play, why didn't you add support for intel HD? all the latest games work on intel HD, but THIS isn't working, dammit!
Naiya55 Jun 1, 2013 @ 8:10am 
can anyone provide a walkthrough on how to do the 2 fixes for the technologically inept? I have tried to research how to do both, but i can't find anything.
pending Jun 1, 2013 @ 10:43am 
Like Naiya55, I am in the same position. I have a 64bit system with dual video cards (On board Intel and Nvidia Ge Force GT 650M) and cannot get this thing to run
Requiemsoul Jun 1, 2013 @ 3:01pm 
Superb Game!. Other Languages? Spanish?. Thanks.
Nod Jun 1, 2013 @ 5:05pm 
Looking forward to the Linux port when you have finished fixing the currently reported issues.
dougball21 Jun 1, 2013 @ 5:37pm 
Shiz, I wish I would have read that it doesn't work with intel GPU's before downloading. all I get on my laptop is a lot of green screens and crazy particle effects. I can't even see the what the environments look like. I sure hope there is a fix for using Intel's buil in GPUs. So sad I wasted money on a game that doesn't run on a laptop that's built for games like this. Hopefully they fix it soon, so I can enjoy what appears like an amazing game.
Last edited by dougball21; Jun 1, 2013 @ 6:23pm
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